1.2.0 • Published 3 years ago

currencypayocr v1.2.0

Weekly downloads
Last release
3 years ago


This solution provides a service to upload a pdf, in which the pdf contents will be read in, parsed, and generate an invoice within the Currency Pay Portal.

Development Prerequisites

Debian Based Linux OS (Ubuntu 18.04 LTS preferred).

Run the linux.sh script (located in the scripts folder) to install all required software.

user@linux:~/currencypayocr$ ./scripts/linux.sh

Install the following global npm packages:

  • yarn
  • typescript
  • ts-node
  • ts-node-dev

Install dependencies by running the following commands:

user@linux:~/currencypayocr$ yarn install

You will also need a instance of Mongo DB running. You can either install the service locally on your machine and use the mongo docker container:

docker pull mongo:latest

Development Mode


MUST HAVE azure-cli (az) with access to currency.azurecr.io

  1. After you clone the repo from the root dir run: $ npm install
  2. If it installs builds and runs test with no errors then $ docker build -t currency.azurecr.io/currencypayocr:latest . *replace tag :latest with qa.qa2,integration
  3. IF "Successfully built image" $ az acr login --name currency $ docker push currency.azurecr.io/currencypayocr:latest


$ docker run -p : e.g. $ docker run -p 443:443 currency.azurecr.io/currencyfileservice-qa

Running the apps

To begin live development, simply run:

user@linux:~/currencypayocr$ yarn watch

PDF Testing:

You can test mulitple PDFs by using the pdf utils program.

  1. Paste your pdfs with in the "~/currencypayocr/data/invoices" folder
  2. Update the 'expects.json' file with any new PDF not currently stored in the "./data/backup" folder.
  3. Run the pdf utils program
    user@linux:~/currencypayocr$ ts-node-dev src/test/pdf.utils.ts
  4. The results will be outputted to "~/currencypayocr/data/results.csv" file

Create your development Self-Signed SSL Certificate

If you want to test production mode on your local machine, you will need to create the require certs.

sudo openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout ./server.key -out ./server.crt


To create the ocr service docker image, you must have the "softvisionlv/curpay" build image on your machine.

docker pull softvisionlv/curpay:latest

To build:

docker build -t <company>/<name> .

After a successful build, you can create and run a container from it:

docker run -d -p 80:80 -p 443:443 --name <instance name> <company>/<name>:latest

To attach to the container:

docker exec -it <instance name> /bin/bash

Production Test String

  • merch ID: p1_mer_5ac3dcbdeda17327854e73c
  • login ID: p1_log_5ac3dcbde95da796cfccaa8
  • Entity ID: p1_ent_5ac3dcbdea42f939311858c