1.0.5 • Published 1 month ago

custom-vite-react-setup v1.0.5

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1 month ago

Custom Vite React App Generator

Vite + React.js

A command-line tool to generate a custom React application using Vite.


Ensure you have Node.js (>=12.0.0) installed. Then, run the following command:

npx custom-vite-react-setup my-app

Replace my-app with your desired project name.

After running this command, run this:

npm run dev


  • Generates a custom React application with Vite as the build tool.
  • Supports custom project templates and configurations.
  • Supports absoulte paths with setup already done.
  • Fast and efficient development environment setup.


You can add absolute paths in jsconfig.json and vite.config.js. For eg: If you need to add '/src/xyz' for absolute path.

Add this to vite.config.js

'@xyz': '/src/xyz'

Add this to jsconfig.json

'@xyz/*': ['/src/xyz/*']

Note: Keep root at the end in both files else absolute paths may not work.


Contributions are welcome!