1.0.0 • Published 5 years ago

customer-management-service v1.0.0

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CMS Serverless

CMS Serverless is service for managment of customer and end-users of Babyscripts Platform.

Getting Started

CMS Serverless can easily be setup in Mac OS, Windows and Ubuntu


To get up and running you need to install following dependencies on your system.

Node.js 8.10.x
Npm 5 or above
Typescript 2.4 or above
Serverless Framework 1.x
AWS Lambda, DynamoDB, SQS, SNS, IAM and API Gateway


After installation of above prerequisites

Run npm install in project dir
Copy config files in config dir from cms-serverless s3 bucket

Each env config has it own set of files in config dir local, dev, staging, prod.

Running the tests

There are two types of test in CMS repo unit and integration resides in tests directory. In unit test we mock Aws and third party apis, code is run in isolated env. In integration test we use actual database and other services but using pre-baked environment.

Testing tools

Mocha 5.x or above (test runner)
Chai.js 4.x (assertion library)
Sinon.js 4.5.x (mocks and stubs)


The entire Service Stack can easily be deployed using a single command.

sls deploy --aws-profile $PROFILE


Please read CONTRIBUTING.md.


See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.


This project is licensed under the Proprietary License - see the LICENSE.md file for details


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