1.4.0 • Published 4 years ago
cute.curl v1.4.0
smart url for easy use
npm i -g cute.curl
cute get "http://lisa.com/abc/cc" "{abc:1,hello:'world'}" slient -H header1:abc
cute "{abc:1,hello:'world'}" slient -H header1:abc get "http://lisa.com/abc/cc"
cute "{abc:1,hello:'world'}" slient -H header1:abc get "http://lisa.com/abc/cc"
cute "abc=1&cc=ccc" -H header1:abc post "http://lisa.com/abc/cc"
cute -h
npm i -g aok.js
aok test -p 19999
node test
node bin.js http://localhost:19999/abc post 'hello world' -H aaa:33 -H bb:3
ext use
data from file
node bin.js http://localhost:19999/abc post 'hello world' -H aaa:33 -H bb:3 data.json
node bin.js http://localhost:19999/abc post 'hello world' -H aaa:33 -H bb:3 data.txt
# write to file temp/1.txt
node bin.js http://localhost:19999/abc post 'hello world' -H aaa:33 -H bb:3 >temp/1.txt
node bin.js http://localhost:19999/abc post 'hello world' -H aaa:33 -H bb:3 -o temp/1.txt
# append to file temp/1.txt
node bin.js http://localhost:19999/abc post 'hello world' -H aaa:33 -H bb:3 >>temp/1.txt
node bin.js http://localhost:19999/abc post 'hello world' -H aaa:33 -H bb:3 -o >>temp/1.txt
- data from clipboard
cute http://localhost:11540/ post -c -v
- url from clipbord
cute post "{hello : 'good good day'}" -v -c
- 自动抓取剪切板内容 剪切板: cute post "{hello : 'good good day'}"
- 自定义剪切板内容分割
# 以&&作为分隔符
cute post "{hello : 'good good day'}" -v -c -i "&&"
- 忽略剪切板内容
cute -u
# 1
node bin.js http://localhost:19999/abc post 'hello world' -H aaa:33 -H bb:3 -x "{resultHandler: async ()=>{ return { hello: 'world'} }}"
#=> {"hello":"world"}
#2 esay way
node bin.js http://localhost:19999/abc post 'hello world' -H aaa:33 -H bb:3 -x "()=>{ return { hello: 'world'} }"
# aysnc ()=>{ return { hello: 'world'} } is OK
#=> {"hello":"world"}
# js file ext
node bin.js http://localhost:19999/abc post 'hello world' -H aaa:33 -H bb:3 -x "test/ext.js"
can be
exports.resultHandler = async function(result , options){
console.log('result is :' + JSON.stringify(result) )
console.log('optisons is :' + JSON.stringify(options))
return {
hello : 'good good day'
module.exports = function(result , options){
console.log('result is :' + JSON.stringify(result) )
console.log('optisons is :' + JSON.stringify(options))
return {
hello : 'good good day'
you can do ext as your wish, hava good time