0.0.1 • Published 4 years ago

cutnut-server v0.0.1

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Last release
4 years ago


Api Documentation

All stories are private by default. The user can edit, view and add cuts to his own stories. Also he can access story if he was invited to it.

In the Story object there're two urls that help you to share links of story with other people.

    "editUrl": "https://cutnut.tv/s/B8",
    "viewUrl": "https://cutnut.tv/s/B7",

You can share this links wherever you want: email, Facebook, Twitter, Telegram, sms, etc.

There're two types of permissions:

edit - user's allowed to edit and view story view - user's only allowed to view story

For mobile developers

The application should detect urls that contains Cutnut domain https://cutnut.tv and custom url scheme cutnut://.

If the application was opened by short url like https://cutnut.tv/s/B8 you should get a full url.


  • Full url https://cutnut.tv/story/da655859-009e-4d5a-958e-debf5fd164e7/edit?access_token=k5JqdGaf1PLTU326Ds3OcIY2PiCunHRy
  • Scheme cutnut://story/da655859-009e-4d5a-958e-debf5fd164e7/edit?access_token=k5JqdGaf1PLTU326Ds3OcIY2PiCunHRy


Important parts you need to get from url:

storyId (da655859-009e-4d5a-958e-debf5fd164e7)

action (show or edit)

token (k5JqdGaf1PLTU326Ds3OcIY2PiCunHRy)

After that just do request GET Story with these parameters.

Setup project

We use Docker for the development.

To install node modules you need to run the following command:

docker-compose run web npm install

To get authenticated you need to install gcloud cli


Then run next command

gcloud auth configure-docker

Run next command to compile admin panel files

docker-compose run web npm run build

And then you can run the application (without control panel, for control panel use npm run serve)

docker-compose up web thumbor worker kue-ui mongo

Or in 3 different tabs (for less logs)

docker-compose up thumbor worker kue-ui mongo
docker-compose up web

npm run serve

To run tests:

docker-compose run test

Also you need to create collection in the database called counters and insert one document. You can do this with command:

docker-compose run web ./app/bin/init-counters

If you need new user run script

docker-compose run web ./app/bin/add-user
docker-compose run web ./app/bin/add-snippets-into-user

Import collection from file

mongorestore -d cutnut --port 27018 -c users ./users.bson

mongoimport -d cutnut --port 27018 -c users --file ./users.json


Stage has "Production" environment, so for building public you need to run as well:

docker-compose run web npm i --unsafe-perm --only=dev

npm run restart

Deploy to production on GCP

Download values.yaml from secret place

Attention: version in values.yaml (in root) should match with version in TAG= command


* install [docker](https://docs.docker.com/install/), you will need [virtualbox](https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads) as well
* install [kubernetes](https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/tools/install-kubectl/) - manage everything
* install [gcloud](https://cloud.google.com/sdk/docs/quickstarts) - you can skip this this step if you've already installed it for development
* install [helm](https://docs.helm.sh/using_helm/#installing-helm) - DRY, pass variables to *yaml* configs
* `gcloud auth login`
* `gcloud config set project PROJECT_ID`
* [create](https://cloud.google.com/kubernetes-engine/docs/quickstart) cluster in GCP or connect to the existed one with: `gcloud container clusters get-credentials <cluster> --zone <zone> --project <project>` - this can be found in GCP in `kubernetes clusters`, tab after pressing `Connect` button
* `kubectl apply -f ./charts/kube-setup/tiller-sa.yaml`
* Wait few seconds
* `helm init --upgrade --service-account tiller`
* For the first time proceed `cert-manager` step

Each time you move from cluster to cluster be sure these commands were run once more time:

* `gcloud auth login`
* `gcloud config set project PROJECT_ID`
* [create](https://cloud.google.com/kubernetes-engine/docs/quickstart) cluster in GCP or connect to the existed one with: `gcloud container clusters get-credentials <cluster> --zone <zone> --project <project>` - this can be found in GCP in `kubernetes clusters`, tab after pressing `Connect` button

If changes in code (TAG here should match with tag in values.yaml)

export TAG=<yyyy-mm-dd>

Test server:

helm upgrade -i cutnut-test-server ./charts/cutnut-server/ -f values.yaml

Live server:

helm upgrade -i cutnut-server-master ./charts/cutnut-server/ -f values.yaml

If you need to run command in bush on some pod (find all pod names by kubectl get pods):

kubectl exec -ti {pod-name} -- bash

To see streamed logs use this command:

kubectl logs -f {pod-name}


Additional info about https (tls/ssl). There you can find which email use as issuer

helm upgrade cert-manager stable/cert-manager --namespace kube-system --install --set ingressShim.enabled=false

Also need to create an issuer, it will need an IAM user, replace the access key id in the letsencrypt.yaml file. There is a file route53-issuer-policy.json that shows the permissions needed.

You might need to replace the ZONE ID in route53-issuer-policy.json and the access key letsencrypt.yaml. XXXXXX - is normally your account id

"SECRET KEY" is "AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY" from "letsencrypt-issuer" user While aws configure you need to do it with user that has IAMFullAccess permission in IAM

aws configure
aws iam create-user --user-name letsencrypt-issuer
aws iam create-policy --policy-name letsencrypt-issuer-policy --policy-document file://charts/kube-setup/route53-issuer-policy.json
aws iam attach-user-policy --user-name letsencrypt-issuer --policy-arn arn:aws:iam::XXXXXX:policy/letsencrypt-issuer-policy
echo -n "SECRET KEY" > ./secret-access-key
kubectl create secret generic letsencrypt-prod-route53 --from-file=./secret-access-key
kubectl apply -f ./charts/kube-setup/letsencrypt.yaml

One its installed you have test it using test-cert.yaml, "kubectl apply -f ..." can take about 5 mins to be issued, you check this by describeing the cert or checking certificate manager pod logs

kubectl apply -f ./charts/kube-setup/test-cert.yaml
kubectl describe certificate test-cert
kubectl get secret test-cert-tls -o "jsonpath={.data['tls\.crt']}" | base64 --decode | openssl x509 -text -noout

To get GOOGLE_ACCESS_KEY and GOOGLE_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY go to the GCP => Storage => Settings => Interoperability if disabled => press to enable it Press create a new key