0.1.1 • Published 5 years ago

cw-react-components v0.1.1

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Last release
5 years ago


React components Storybook repository for CW Platform

Storybook: https://coverwallet.github.io/cw-react-components


npm install


To launch the local Storybook with hot reloading, run:

npm run dev


The minimized version of the components lives in the dist folder. To compile a production ready bundle, execute:

npm run build

and commit the resultant /dist files

Update docs

To update the remote Storybook in https://coverwallet.github.io/cw-react-components, run:

npm run build:docs

and commit the resultant /docs files

Folder Structure


All config related files for the Storybook demo of the components. It has its own webpack.config to process the Storybook application both locally and for the docs


Theme configuration for Storybook


Github pages docs accessible from https://coverwallet.github.io/cw-react-components. This files are automatically generated when running yarn build:docs and if they are pushed to master, the docs in the github page will update with the latest changes in the library


Each UI component is contained in its own folder next to the stories directly related with that component (present in *.stories.js files)


CardTable component that receives three props:

  • sections: array of objects with the column information for the card table
  • cards: array of objects with card information, each key should correspond to a type in the sections column info, see storybook for more details. There could be two special types:
    • status: will show the status component at the bottom left of the card
    • actions: array of objects with label and handlers for each card. The handlers will receive the card info as argument. It will show the card actions component at the right end of the card

CardTable will render a TableHeader with the section title of each column in a CardItemHeader component and a Card component for each card in cards.

Each Card will render a CardItem for each key in the cards object in the corresponding column . If the card info lacks some key present in the sections types, an empty CardItem will be rendered there instead. If the card has some key that is not present in the sections types, that information will not be rendered.

  sections={[{ type: 'insuranceType' }, { type: 'accountName' }]}
      insuranceType: 'General Liability',
      accountName: 'A & S Transportation',
      premium: 400, // not present in the sections' types, it won't be rendered
      insuranceType: 'General Liability',
      // accountName: null, // will render an empty CardItem for this column
      premium: 500, // not present in the sections' types, it won't be rendered

To have a custom template for the insuranceType key, a custom template for the CardItem can be defined simply by extending the basic StyledCardItem.

import styled from 'styled-components';
import { StyledCardItem } from 'cardItem';

const InsuranceTypeTemplate = styled(StyledCardItem)`
  custom: style;

export default InsuranceTypeTemplate;

or even adding custom functionality:

import styled from 'styled-components';
import { StyledCardItem } from 'cardItem';

const CustomStyles = styled(StyledCardItem)`
  custom: style;

const InsuranceTypeTemplate = ({ value, ...props }) => (
  <CustomStyles {...props}>{value}</CustomStyles>

export default InsuranceTypeTemplate;

The template will receive a prop value with the value for the insuranceType in the card object, and the rest of the props used for styles, like theme.

The template needs to be added to the basic CardItem with:

import CardItem from 'cardItem';
import InsuranceTypeTemplate from 'insuranceTypeTemplate';

  insuranceType: InsuranceTypeTemplate,

The same can be done for the CardItemHeader, usefull when the custom CardItem for a key has more space reserved for it, to keep the same space reserved for the card header:

import CardItemHeader, { BaseStyledHeader } from 'cardItemHeader';

const CustomHeader = styled(BaseStyledHeader)`
  flex-basis: 20%;

  insuranceType: CustomHeader,


JS common functionality between components


Common react hooks for components


Common styles for styled components, to be used as:

import styled from 'styled-components';
import commonStyle from 'Components/utils/styles/commonStyle';

const NewComponent = styled(commonStyle);
// or
const NewComponent = styled.div`


Custom types to be used in React PropTypes with utilities to reason about them

src/fonts, src/icons

Static assets for fonts and icons. Imported through webpack loaders


Platform themes for the UI components


Pickers for theme attributes


Each theme base color can be used in any style component as:

  color: ${primaryColor};

An opacity can be specified accessing the corresponding property of the picker for that specific fixed opacity:

  color: ${primaryColor[0.2]}; // Primary Color at 20% alpha
  color: ${primaryColor[0.4]}; // Primary Color at 40% alpha
  color: ${primaryColor[0.6]}; // Primary Color at 60% alpha
  color: ${primaryColor[0.8]}; // Primary Color at 80% alpha

The Notification Color Picker should be preexecuted with the status:

  color: ${notificationColor('success')}; // theme color for success
  color: ${notificationColor('error')}; // theme color for error
  color: ${notificationColor('info')}; // theme color for info
  color: ${notificationColor('warning')}; // theme color for warning

  color: ${notificationColor(
  )[0.4]}; // theme color for warning at 40% alpha


The font size can be specified in any styled component as:

  font-size: ${textSize('M')};

where 'M' is the size of the text defined for each theme. The possible values are (with equivalent in pixels for the base theme):

XS    => 10px
S     => 12px
M     => 14px
L     => 16px
XL    => 18px
XXL   => 24px
XXXL  => 28px


Media query helpers for the theme

import { screenSize } from 'Themes/utils/mediaQueries';

  @media ${screenSize('desktop')} {
    width: 122px;

where 'desktop' is a breakpoint defined in the theme:

const theme = {
  sizes: {
    mobile: '0px',
    tablet: '767px',
    landscape: '1024px',
    desktop: '1200px',

5 years ago


5 years ago


5 years ago