0.0.3 • Published 7 years ago
cycada v0.0.3
CYC 4 queries in node.js on localhost or remote.
Currently experimental and slow enough it's not a good choice for client interactive code paths.
npm install cycada
Running opencyc 4.0 requires Java already be installed on your system. The OpenCYC binary will be downloaded and unpacked on npm postinstall
To run the CYC service interactively:
npm run start
To terminate all instances of CYC (in case something gets hung):
npm run stop
To run CYC as a service (requires screen):
npm run service-start
If you need to access the running instance (To Exit: CTRL + a d)
screen opencyc
Then to stop the service:
npm run service-stop
require the library
var CycServer = require('cycada');
make a connection
var cyc = new CycServer({
host : '<host>',
port : <port>
search for a concept
cyc.concepts('<name>', function(err, results){
//do something with the results
perform a query TBD - I don't currently need it, contact me if you do
cyc.infer('<query>', function(err, results){
- Finish inferences
- Investigate supporting proprietary CYC
- Keystore based caching
- Investigate supporting UMBEL
-Abbey Hawk Sparrow