0.2.4 • Published 5 years ago
cyklone v0.2.4
Cyklone 🌪️
- Autodeploy virtual hosts to Nginx. Config is tested and reloaded automatically.
- Installs the latested version of create-react-app with a boilerplate Fastify-static template.
- Autogenerates an A record for cloudflare.
- Customizable template files with Handlebars.
- Auto Rollback. If tasks fail, we'll undo them so you aren't left in an inconsistent state.
-> Adds a virtual host to Nginx in sites-enabled
-> npx create-react-app
-> CloudFlare API request sent out.
-> Deploy Fastify boilerplate.
-> Server is up, easy-mode.
Near Ready Features (Soon!)
- Provision management with MongoDB.
- Web GUI frontend controller.
- Some plugins (DigitalOcean) almost ready.