2.0.5 • Published 4 years ago

cypress-testrail-reporter-screenshot v2.0.5

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4 years ago

TestRail Reporter for Cypress

version downloads MIT License

Publishes Cypress runs on TestRail.


$ npm install cypress-testrail-reporter-screenshot --save-dev


Add reporter to your cypress.json:

"reporter": "cypress-testrail-reporter-screenshot",
"reporterOptions": {
  "domain": "yourdomain.testrail.com",
  "username": "username",
  "password": "password",
  "projectId": "projectIdNumber",
  "milestoneId": "milestoneIdNumber",
  "suiteId": "suiteIdNumber",
  "createTestRun": "createTestRunFlag",
  "runName": "testRunName",
  "runId": "testRunIdNumber",
  "addScreenshot": "addScreenshotFlag",
  "addVideo": "addVideoFlag",

Your Cypress tests should include the ID of your TestRail test case. Make sure your test case IDs are distinct from your test titles:

// Good:
it("C123 C124 Can authenticate a valid user", ...
it("Can authenticate a valid user C321", ...

// Bad:
it("C123Can authenticate a valid user", ...
it("Can authenticate a valid userC123", ...

Reporter Options

domain: string domain name of your TestRail instance (e.g. for a hosted instance instance.testrail.com).

username: string email of the user under which the test run will be created.

password: string password or the API key for the aforementioned user.

projectId: number project with which the tests are associated.

milestoneId: number milestone with which the exectuted tests are associated.

suiteId: number (optional: required when TestRail project uses multiple test suites to manage cases) suite with which the tests are associated.

createTestRun: string true if you want to create a new Test Run, false if you only update results to existed Test Run.

runName: string (optional: required when createTestRun = true) name of the Testrail run.

runId: number (optional: required when createTestRun = false) Test Run id.

addScreenshot: string true if you want to add screenshot to Test Run, false if you don't want to add screenshot to Test Run.

addVideo: string true if you want to add video to Test Run, false if you don't want to add video to Test Run.

TestRail Settings

To increase security, the TestRail team suggests using an API key instead of a password. You can see how to generate an API key here.

If you maintain your own TestRail instance on your own server, it is recommended to enable HTTPS for your TestRail installation.

For TestRail hosted accounts maintained by Gurock, all accounts will automatically use HTTPS.

You can read the whole TestRail documentation here.


Sava Grkovic - github


This project is licensed under the MIT license.



4 years ago


4 years ago


4 years ago


4 years ago