0.1.0 • Published 2 years ago

cypress-wait-for-stable-dom v0.1.0

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Last release
2 years ago


Wait until the DOM is stable before continuing with test. Useful for visual regression testing.


Uses Mutation Observer to detect DOM changes.

This repo was bootstraped from bahmutov/cypress-get-by-label and has logic based on the same author's (Gleb Bahmutov) article.


npm i -D cypress-wait-for-stable-dom
# or
yarn add -D cypress-wait-for-stable-dom


Include from your Cypress support file or individual spec

const { registerCommand } = require('cypress-wait-for-stable-dom')

// or
import { registerCommand } from 'cypress-wait-for-stable-dom'

Then use the command cy.waitForStableDOM()

// Proceed with test if DOM is stable for 1 second
// Throw timeout error if DOM is unstable for 10 seconds
cy.waitForStableDOM({ pollInterval: 1000, timeout: 10000 })

When used as a parent command (like above), it will check for changes in the entire document. To only check a particular part of the DOM, use it as a child command.

// Only listen for changes to #myDomElement
  .waitForStableDOM({ pollInterval: 1000, timeout: 10000 })

If you'd like to customize the options passed to mutation observer, you can provide an optional mutationObserver property.

const mutationObserver = {
  // Only listen to CSS changes
  attributeFilter: [ "style", "class" ],
  subtree: true,
  childList: true,
  attributes: true,
  attributeOldValue: true,

cy.waitForStableDOM({ pollInterval: 1000, timeout: 10000, mutationObserver })

The argument you provide to cy.waitForStableDOM will be deep merged with the following default object

const defaultOptions = {
  pollInterval: 1000,
  timeout: 10000,
  mutationObserver: {
    subtree: true,
    childList: true,
    attributes: true,
    attributeOldValue: true,
    characterData: true,
    characterDataOldValue: true,

You can change what the default object is by specifying it as the argument to registerCommand

const { registerCommand } = require('cypress-wait-for-stable-dom')
registerCommand({ pollInterval: 300, timeout: 2000 })

// or
import { registerCommand } from 'cypress-wait-for-stable-dom'
registerCommand({ pollInterval: 300, timeout: 2000 })


To get IntelliSense working with the custom command cy.waitForStableDOM include in your specs

/// <reference types="cypress-wait-for-stable-dom" />