0.2.1 • Published 12 months ago

d-dynamic-form-builder-react v0.2.1

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Last release
12 months ago

Component for dynamic forms with React + Formik


The Dynamic "d-dynamic-form-builder-react" is a container for dynamic forms that allows rendering and handling different forms with custom input fields.


npm i d-dynamic-form-builder-react



import { DynamicFormContainer, Form } from 'd-dynamic-form-builder-react';
import { InputProps } from 'd-dynamic-form-builder-react/dist/interfaces/interfaces';

const App = () => {

  const forms: { [x: string]: InputProps[] } = {
    login: [
        type: "text",
        name: "name",
        label: "Full Name",
        placeholder: "Full Name",
        value: "",
        validations: [
            type: "required",
            message: "Full Name is required",
        type: "email",
        name: "email",
        label: "E-mail",
        placeholder: "E-mail",
        value: "",
        validations: [
            type: "required",
            message: "Email is required",
            type: "isEmail",
            message: "Email no valid",
        type: "password",
        name: "password",
        label: "Password",
        placeholder: "*******",
        value: "",
        validations: [
            type: "required",
            message: "Password is required",

  return (
        {(values) => (
            <Form />


  1. formSchema (array) required: An array of objects that define the form fields. Each object should have the following properties:
  • type (string): The type of the field. Valid types are text, number, select, and checkbox.
  • name (string): The name of the field.
  • value (string | number | boolean | string[] | DefaultJSON[]): The initial value for the field.
  • validations (array): An array of validation rules for the field.
  • placeholder (string): The placeholder text for the field.
  • typeValue (string | boolean | array | date): The type of the field value.
  • label (string): The label for the field.
  • options (array): An array of options for the select field.
  • fields (array): An array of nested form fields.
  1. formTitle (string) required: The title of the form.
  2. className (string) optional: The CSS class name for the form container.
  3. onSubmit (function) optional: A function that is called when the form is submitted. The function will receive an object with the form data as the only argument.
  4. initialformdata (object) optional The initial values for the form fields.
type"text" | "textarea" | "email" | "password" | "radio-group" | "select" | "checkbox" | "checkbox-group" | "field-array"The type of the input field.
namestringThe name of the input field.
valuestring | number | boolean | string[] | DefaultJSON[]The value of the input field.
validationsValidation[](Optional) An array of validation rules for the input field.
placeholder?string(Optional) The placeholder text for the input field.
typeValue?"string" | "boolean" | "array"(Optional) The type of the value property.
label?string(Optional) The label for the input field.
options?Opt[](Optional) An array of options for select or radio-group input fields.
fields?Fields[](Optional) An array of fields for field-array input type. Each field is of type Fields which has properties similar to InputProps.
Opt- value: string | number- desc: stringRepresents an option.- value: The value of the option.- desc: The description of the option.
Fields- type: "text"- name: string- label: string- placeholder?: stringRepresents a field.- type: The type of the field.- name: The name of the field.- label: The label of the field.- placeholder?: (Optional) The placeholder text for the field.
Validation- type: "required" | "isEmail" | "minLength" | "isTrue" | "maxLength" | "matches" | "isUrl" | "maxDate" | "minDate"- value?: string | number | boolean | RegExp | Date- message: stringRepresents a validation rule for a field.- type: The type of validation.- value?: (Optional) The value for the validation.- message: The validation error message.
DefaultJSON{ [key: string]: any }Represents a JSON object with any value types for its properties.

h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6

  • type (required): The type of the heading. Possible values: "h1", "h2", "h3", "h4", "h5", "h6"
  • name (required): The name of the heading.
  • value (required): The value of the heading.


  • type (required): The type of the input field. Value: "text"
  • name (required): The name of the input field.
  • value (required): The default value of the input field.
  • label (optional): The label for the input field.
  • placeholder (optional): The placeholder text for the input field.
  • validations (optional): An array of validation rules for the input field. Possible validation types: isEmail, isUrl, minLength, maxLength, matches, required


  • type (required): The type of the input field. Value: "password"
  • name (required): The name of the input field.
  • value (required): The default value of the input field.
  • label (optional): The label for the input field.
  • validations (optional): An array of validation rules for the input field. Possible validation types: minLength, maxLength, matches, required


  • type (required): The type of the input field. Value: "textarea"
  • name (required): The name of the input field.
  • value (required): The default value of the input field.
  • label (optional): The label for the input field.
  • validations (optional): An array of validation rules for the input field. Possible validation types: minLength, maxLength, required


  • type (required): The type of the input field. Value: "color"
  • name (required): The name of the input field.
  • value (required): The default value of the input field. ("#000000") Important!
  • label (optional): The label for the input field.


  • type (required): The type of the input field. Value: "radio-group"
  • name (required): The name of the input field.
  • value (required): The default selected value of the radio group.
  • options (required): An array of options for the radio group input field. Each option should have a value and desc.


  • type (required): The type of the input field. Value: "select"
  • name (required): The name of the input field.
  • value (required): The default selected value of the select field.
  • label (optional): The label for the input field.
  • options (required): An array of options for the select input field. Each option should have a value and desc.
  • validations (optional): An array of validation rules for the input field. Possible validation types: required, minLength, maxLength


  • type (required): The type of the input field. Value: "checkbox"
  • name (required): The name of the input field.
  • typeValue (optional): The type of the value property.
  • value (required): The default selected value of the radio group. Possible values: True, False
  • label (optional): The label for the input field.
  • value (required): The default value of the checkbox.
  • validations (optional): An array of validation rules for the input field. Possible validation types: isTrue


  • type (required): The type of the input field. Value: "date"
  • name (required): The name of the input field.
  • label (optional): The label for the input field.
  • value (required): The default value of the date field.
  • typeValue (optional): The type of the value property.
  • validations (optional): An array of validation rules for the input field.
  • Possible validation types: maxDate, minDate, required


  • type (required): The type of the input field. Value: "checkbox-group"
  • name (required): The name of the input field.
  • label (optional): The label for the input field.
  • value (required): The default value of the checkbox group, represented as an array.
  • typeValue (optional): The type of the value property.
  • options (required): An array of options for the checkbox group input field. Each option should have a value and desc.
  • validations (optional): An array of validation rules for the input field. Possible validation types: minLength, maxLength, required

12 months ago


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