1.0.1 • Published 2 months ago

d1-sdk v1.0.1

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2 months ago

Cloudflare D1 SDK

This is a TypeScript/JavaScript client for interacting with the Cloudflare D1 HTTP API. It provides a simple and intuitive way to create databases, list databases, and execute SQL queries on your D1 databases.


You can install this package using your favourite package manager:

bun install d1-sdk


First, import the D1Client function from the package:

import D1Client from 'd1-sdk';

Then, create a new client instance by calling the D1Client function with your authentication options:

const d1 = D1Client({
  accountId: 'your-account-id',
  apiKey: 'your-api-key',
  apiEmail: 'your-api-email',
  databaseId: 'your-default-database-id', // optional

You can provide either an apiKey and apiEmail pair or a bearerToken for authentication.

Creating a Database

To create a new database, use the create method:

const response = await d1.create('my-new-database');

Listing Databases

To list your existing databases, use the list method:

const response = await d1.list();

You can also provide optional search and pagination parameters:

const response = await d1.list({
  name: 'database-name',
  page: 1,
  per_page: 10,

Executing SQL Queries

To execute SQL queries on a database, use the query method:

const sql = 'SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = ?';
const params = ['user-id'];
const response = await d1.query(sql, params);

If you provided a databaseId when creating the client, it will be used as the default database for queries. You can also specify a different database for a specific query:

const response = await d1.query(sql, params, 'another-database-id');


D1Client(options: D1ClientOptions): D1ClientType

Creates a new D1 client instance.


  • options: D1ClientOptions
    • accountId: string - Your Cloudflare account ID.
    • apiKey?: string - Your Cloudflare API key.
    • apiEmail?: string - Your Cloudflare API email.
    • bearerToken?: string - Your Cloudflare API bearer token.
    • databaseId?: string - The default database ID to use for queries.


  • D1ClientType - An object with methods to interact with the D1 HTTP API.

create(databaseName: string): Promise<DatabaseCreationResponse>

Creates a new database.


  • databaseName: string - The name of the database to create.


  • Promise<DatabaseCreationResponse> - A promise that resolves to the response from the Cloudflare D1 HTTP API.

list(params?: { name?: string; page?: number; per_page?: number }): Promise<DatabaseListResponse>

Lists databases in your account.


  • params?: { name?: string; page?: number; per_page?: number } (optional)
    • name?: string - Filter databases by name.
    • page?: number - The page number for pagination.
    • per_page?: number - The number of results per page.


  • Promise<DatabaseListResponse> - A promise that resolves to the response from the Cloudflare D1 HTTP API.

query(sql: string, params?: string[], databaseId?: string): Promise<QueryResponse>

Executes an SQL query on a database.


  • sql: string - The SQL query to execute. Use ? as placeholders for parameters.
  • params?: string[] (optional) - The parameters to use in the query, in the order of the ? placeholders.
  • databaseId?: string (optional) - The ID of the database to execute the query on. If not provided, the default database ID will be used.


  • Promise<QueryResponse> - A promise that resolves to the response from the Cloudflare D1 HTTP API.


This package is licensed under the MIT License.


2 months ago


2 months ago


2 months ago