2.0.0 • Published 3 years ago

dam-wizmkj v2.0.0

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3 years ago


Getting Started

Formik wizard form is a library which lets you build multistep form wizards in React with ease. It has been written over the famous form library formik and provides the enhanced versions of formik's <Formik /> and useFormik hook. Formik wizard form requires few additional props along with <Formik /> original props as well as adds some properties to the render props object.

Apart from that, the library is style or css framework agnostic and leaves the rendering part completely up to you. It just provides render props and you build your UI out of them.

For more information on usage, please refer to the How To Use and Examples section.

How To Install

Install the package from npm or yarn registry.

Install From Yarn

yarn add formik-wizard-form

Install From NPM

npm install formik-wizard-form --save

How To Use?

Formik wizard form exports two components <FormWizard /> and useFormikWizard similar to Formik's <Formik /> and useFormik hook and their original props have been left untouched. Rather they require you to provide few additional props to create a form wizard.

<FormikWizard />

import { FormikWizard } from 'formik-wizard-form';

<FormikWizard /> is a replacement of original <Formik /> component and accepts all the formik props along with the following listed:

steps: Step[]

steps is an array of form step objects where each object contains the information about a particular step component. Each step object must satisfy the below typescript type.

type Step = {
  /** Validation schema object for the current step */
  validationSchema?: any | (() => any);

  /** Handler to be called before moving to previous step */
  beforePrev?: (
    values: FormikValues,
    formikBag: FormikProps<FormikValues>,
    currentStepIndex: number
  ) => Promise<any>;

  /** Handler to be called before moving to next step */
  beforeNext?: (
    values: FormikValues,
    formikBag: FormikProps<FormikValues>,
    currentStepIndex: number
  ) => Promise<any>;

  /** React functional or class component */
  component: React.ComponentType<FormikProps<FormikValues>>;
  • validationSchema: is a Yup object or anything which Formik accepts. Please provide all the validation specific to this particular step.
  • beforePrev: should be a function which will be called before moving to previous step on click of prev button. The function must return a Promise. Rejecting this promise won't let you go to previous step.
  • beforeNext: is same as beforePrev but applied on next step.
  • component: must be a react functional or class component which will get all the formik methods and properties as its props when rendered.

activeStepIndex: number

activeStepIndex is the index of step which you want to make active by default on form render. Starting from zero.

validateOnNext: boolean

validateOnNext is a boolean flag which controls whether to by pass the form validations or prevent moving backward/forward in case of invalid form.

children: ((props: RenderProps) => React.ReactNode) | React.ReactElement<RenderProps>

children prop type is the same as formik but to render stepper forms, it must be a function which will get RenderProps as its arguments.

If you provide children as a function, it will be provided the following arguments in return along with the standard/original formik render props.

interface RenderProps extends FormikProps<FormikValues> {
  /** Handler to be called on previous button click */
  handlePrev: () => void;

  /** Handler to be called on next button click */
  handleNext: () => void;

  /** Current step index in number */
  currentStepIndex?: number;

  /** Flag to indicate previous button should be disabled */
  isPrevDisabled: boolean;

  /** Flag to indicate next button should be disabled */
  isNextDisabled: boolean;

  /** Flag to indicate current step is first step */
  isFirstStep: boolean;

  /** Flag to indicate current step is last step */
  isLastStep: boolean;

  /** Current step component renderer */
  renderComponent: () => React.ReactNode;
  • handlePrev: should be provided to previous button onClick prop. It will take you to the previous step.
  • handleNext: should be provided to next button onClick prop. It will take you to the next step.
  • currentStepIndex: read-only property which returns the index of current step.
  • isPrevDisabled: read only prop which returns Boolean value for whether previous button should be disabled.
  • isNextDisabled: read only prop which returns Boolean value for whether next button should be disabled.
  • isFirstStep: read only prop which returns boolean value for whether the current active step is the first step.
  • isLastStep: read only prop which returns boolean value for whether the current active step is the last step.
  • renderComponent: is the method which is responsible for rendering current step component.


  initialValues={{ firstName: '', email: '', designation: '' }}
  onSubmit={values => console.log(values)}
      component: PersonalDetails,
      validationSchema: Yup.object().shape({
        firstName: Yup.string().required('First name is required'),
      component: ContactDetails,
      validationSchema: Yup.object().shape({
        email: Yup.string().required('Email is required'),
      component: JobDetails,
      validationSchema: Yup.object().shape({
        designation: Yup.string().required('Designation is required'),
  }) => (
      <button type="button" onClick={handlePrev} disabled={isPrevDisabled}>
      <button type="button" onClick={handleNext} disabled={isNextDisabled}>
        {isLastStep ? 'Finish' : 'Next'}


import { useFormikWizard } from 'formik-wizard-form';

useFormikWizard is a replacement of original useFormik hook and accepts all the formik props along with WizardProps interface:

interface WizardProps extends FormikConfig<FormikValues> {
  /** Default active step index for the wizard */
  activeStepIndex: number;

  /** Wizard steps array given below */
  steps: Step[];

  /** Must be a function or react element */
    | ((props: RenderProps) => React.ReactNode)
    | React.ReactElement<RenderProps>;

  /** Should validate the form before moving to next step */
  validateOnNext?: boolean;

type Step = {
  /** Validation schema object for the current step */
  validationSchema?: any | (() => any);

  /** Handler to be called before moving to previous step */
  beforePrev?: (
    values: FormikValues,
    formikBag: FormikProps<FormikValues>,
    currentStepIndex: number
  ) => Promise<any>;

  /** Handler to be called before moving to next step */
  beforeNext?: (
    values: FormikValues,
    formikBag: FormikProps<FormikValues>,
    currentStepIndex: number
  ) => Promise<any>;

  /** React functional or class component */
  component: React.ComponentType<FormikProps<FormikValues>>;

steps: Step[]

steps is an array of form step objects where each object contains the information about a particular step component. Each step object must satisfy the below typescript type.

activeStepIndex: number

activeStepIndex is the index of step which you want to make active by default on form render. Starting from zero.

validateOnNext: boolean

validateOnNext is a boolean flag which controls whether to by pass the form validations or prevent moving backward/forward in case of invalid form.

Hook Return Value

useFormikWizard() returns an object of render props and method containing the below interface:

interface RenderProps extends FormikProps<FormikValues> {
  /** Handler to be called on previous button click */
  handlePrev: () => void;

  /** Handler to be called on next button click */
  handleNext: () => void;

  /** Current step index in number */
  currentStepIndex?: number;

  /** Flag to indicate previous button should be disabled */
  isPrevDisabled: boolean;

  /** Flag to indicate next button should be disabled */
  isNextDisabled: boolean;

  /** Flag to indicate current step is first step */
  isFirstStep: boolean;

  /** Flag to indicate current step is last step */
  isLastStep: boolean;

  /** Current step component renderer */
  renderComponent: () => React.ReactNode;
  • handlePrev: should be provided to previous button onClick prop. It will take you to the previous step.
  • handleNext: should be provided to next button onClick prop. It will take you to the next step.
  • currentStepIndex: read-only property which returns the index of current step.
  • isPrevDisabled: read only prop which returns Boolean value for whether previous button should be disabled.
  • isNextDisabled: read only prop which returns Boolean value for whether next button should be disabled.
  • isFirstStep: read only prop which returns boolean value for whether the current active step is the first step.
  • isLastStep: read only prop which returns boolean value for whether the current active step is the last step.
  • renderComponent: is the method which is responsible for rendering current step component.


const MultiStepForm = () => {
  const {
  } = useFormikWizard({
    initialValues: { firstName: '', lastName: '' },
    onSubmit: values => console.log(values),
    validateOnNext: true,
    activeStepIndex: 0,
    steps: [
        component: PersonalDetails,
        validationSchema: Yup.object().shape({
          firstName: Yup.string().required('First name is required'),
        component: ContactDetails,
        validationSchema: Yup.object().shape({
          email: Yup.string().required('Email is required'),
        component: JobDetails,
        validationSchema: Yup.object().shape({
          designation: Yup.string().required('Designation is required'),
  return (
      <button type="button" onClick={handlePrev} disabled={isPrevDisabled}>
      <button type="button" onClick={handleNext} disabled={isNextDisabled}>
        {isLastStep ? 'Finish' : 'Next'}


Manish Jangir