1.0.12 • Published 9 years ago

damp v1.0.12

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9 years ago



NPM version Apache2 License Build Status

(verb) - /dæmp/ -  to check or retard the energy, action, etc., of; deaden; dampen; to stifle or suffocate; extinguish

This is a utility to control the responses from APIs via a proxy through various configuration mechanisms. You can force errors or delays on specific API invocations. Also known as the Dynamically Arranged Mocking Proxy


You will need Node.js >= v0.12

For RHEL machines, just run yum install npm.

If you need to upgrade or install Node.js on your workstation, the easiest way is to use an installer for your platform. Download the .msi for Windows or .pkg for Mac from the NodeJS website.

Running from NPM

Run the following to install from NPM:

npm install -g damp

Then you can execute with damp

Running from Docker

Here's an example of running as a Docker container:

docker run -d -p 8000 -name "damp" \
-v /host/path/to/damp_routesets:/opt/damp/routesets \
-e PORT=8000 \
-e DEFAULT_TARGET=https://localhost:8080 \
-e APP_CONFIG_PATH=/opt/damp/routesets \

Running from source

Alternatively, if you want to run from the source then clone the repo locally and then from within the local directory run npm install and sudo npm link

Then you can execute with damp

Runtime Options

Start the proxy by running damp. Configuration can be provided by environment variables or command options:

Command OptionEnvironment VariableDefault ValueDescription
-c, --configCONFIG_PATH.damp.ymlPath to proxy config
-a, --appconfigAPP_CONFIG_PATH$(os.tmpdir)/damp/Path to app proxy configs
-X, --appheaderAPP_HEADERX-TransactionIdHeader to use for app routesets
-t, --targetDEFAULT_TARGEThttp://localhost:8080Proxy target
-d, --delayDEFAULT_DELAY0Delay in milliseconds
-p, --portPORT8000Port to listen on

Configuration via UI

A user interface exists for managing application specific configuration. DAMP can be run as a shared service in your testing environment. For example inside VSP we have a shared instance available at http://damp.vspglobal.com. When running locally, you can access it at http://localhost:8000.

Damp UI

Configuration via YAML

You can configure specific paths in a YAML file. By default, it looks for a file named .damp.yml in the current directory. Here's a sample file with a couple paths, one with a custom delay and another with a custom status code:

## 30 second delay and custom target for '/home'
- path: /home
  delay: 30000
  target: http://gtssbxlb-0002.vsp.com
## 1 second delay with custom status (401) for '/as/*' with wildcard
- path: /as/*
  delay: 1000
  status: 401

Configuration via API

The API consists fo the following resources:

GET/_apinoneMap of resources (key: resource name, value: URL)
GET/_api/routesets?allall - load all routesets from disk (Default: false)Array of routesets JSON
POST/_api/routesetsbody - Routeset JSON to createnone
GET/_api/routesets/:name:name - name of routeset to getRouteset JSON
PUT/_api/routesets/:name:name - name of routeset to update body - Routeset JSON to updateRouteset JSON
DELETE/_api/routesets/:name:name - name of routeset to deletenone

The routeset data model looks like:

    "name": "foo",
    "routes": [
        "path": "/bar/*",
        "status": 500,
        "target": "http://www.baz.com",
        "delay": 0

Choose either a status or a target for whether you intend to return a static response or proxy the request respectively.

Runtime Routing

Every request that arrives at the proxy runs through a series of routes and applies ALL routes that match the path (in order of most specific path to least specific) until either a status or target route is found.

Routesets are loaded in the following order:

  • Request Routeset - The request is interrogated to determine if a specific routeset is configured. This is done in the follow order and once a routeset is matched, it is used and the subsequent steps are skipped:

    • appheader with damp-appname - if the request has a header with name matching the appheader configured and the value matches damp-appname:<myapp> then a routeset named myapp is loaded (ie. /_api/routesets/myapp). If it exists, it will be used.
    • appheader with damp-routeset - if the request has a header with name matching the appheader configured and the value matches damp-routeset:<base64> then a routeset is decoded from the Base64 encoded JSON in base64 and will then be used.
    • Host header - if the request has a Host header with name matching myapp.damp.vspglobal.com (which resolved from the *.damp.vspglobal.com wildcard DNS), then a routeset named myapp is loaded. If it exists, it will be used.
  • Static Routeset - After all the routes in the Request Routeset resolve, if no target or status routes are found, then the static routeset is loaded from the config option provided at runtime.

  • Default Routeset - After all the routes in the Request Routeset resolve and the routes in the Static Routeset resolve, if no target or status routes are found, then the defalut route is resolved based on the delay and target provided at runtime.


Please create an issue for any bugs you come across or feature requests.


Pull requests are welcome; see the contributor guidelines for details.


IP is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.

For additional information, see the LICENSE file.