1.0.7-6 • Published 2 years ago

dap-cli v1.0.7-6

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2 years ago

Data Access Platform CLI

CLI for the Data Access Platform service


git clone gerrit:data-access-platform-cli
cd data-access-platform-cli
npm link


Fill in your details in config.json following the example provided by config.example.json. While you can specify a different path to config with the --config or -c flags, by default it reads from config.json.


To use:

dap <command> [options]

Shared Options


dap --version


dap --help or dap -h


There are different levels of logging:

dap <command> [options]     # 'info'    logging level by default
dap <command> [options] -v  # 'verbose' logging level
dap <command> [options] -vv # 'debug'   logging level

Available Commands


This command will get the most recent version of all the requested tables. For example, to grab users, accounts, and courses:

dap snapshot users accounts courses

The default output location is the snapshots/ directory, but that can be overridden with the --output option.

The number of concurrent tables fetched at a time can be controlled with the --concurrency flag. Example:

dap snapshot users accounts courses submissions --concurrency 2

The downloaded file has the following format:

<table name>_<current date>.<file format>

The current date is the local time when the user runs the snapshot command.

# The time now is 11:49 PM. Today is the 24th of March, 2020
dap snapshot users

# The downloaded file will be:
# snapshots/users_2020-03-24-23-49-03.csv

Started snapshot queries can be resumed later by running the command again. A small file is created for each table in the <user-home>/.dap directory to keep track of started queries. Queries can be interrupted using Ctrl-C while executing a query and also while downloading the query results and later resumed. A started query will run in the cloud even if we stopped the client and we can download its result at a later time. When running the command again it will ask if we want to resume the interrupted query, we can provide a default answer using the --continue option with the yes or no value.

To speed up download of large snapshot files multiple parts of a file can be downloaded in parallel, by default each file is downloaded only in one part but there are two command line parameters which can be used to speed up the download: any file larger than the value in MBytes specified by option --largefilesize will be downloaded in the number of parts specified by option --largefiledownloadparts. Example command:

# Snapshot files larger than 1GB will download in 4 parts concurrently
dap snapshot users assignments --largefilesize 1000 --largefiledownloadparts 4


This command will get changes to the specified tables since the provided time. This time can be provided in two different ways: 1) an amount of time relative to now, and 2) and absolute time.

# This grabs changes from the last 4h
dap updates users --last 4h
# This grabs changes since a specific time
dap updates users --since '2020-02-21T09:03:00Z'

The relative time accepts many formats, including a number followed by:

  • m for minutes
  • h for hours
  • d for days

By default, it will grab updates from the last 24 hours.

The default output location is the updates/ directory, but that can be overridden with the --output option.

The number of concurrent diffs fetched at a time can be controlled with the --concurrency flag.

The downloaded file has the following format:

<table name>_<since date>_<current date>.<file format>

Both since and current dates are local times.

# The time now is 12:34 AM. Today is the 14th of May, 2020
dap updates accounts --last 20d

# The downloaded file will be:
# updates/accounts_2020-04-24-00-34-28_2020-05-14-00-34-39.csv


This command will get information about the schema.

# List the available tables
dap schema --list
# Get the schema for some tables
dap schema users courses accounts
# Get the schema for all the tables
dap schema


Adding a new command

The CLI uses yargs commandDir to make it easy to add new commands. Add a new command by creating a new module in lib/commands/. This module should contain:

exports.command: string or array of strings that contains the command

exports.describe: string with the description of the command

exports.builder: object containing the command options or a function accepting and returning a yargs instance

exports.handler: function using the parsed argv

This structure assumes all modules in the commands directory are command modules. Any supporting files need to be in a different directory. See snapshot.js for an example command and snapshot.test.js for example tests.

See the Providing a Command Module docs for more details on these exports and the .commandDir(directory, [opts]) docs for more details about using a command module directory and more advanced options.

Running tests

Using a docker container you can use:


or without you can run:

npm run test
npm run lint
npm run lint:md