1.0.3 • Published 8 years ago
dapid-payment-hashcash v1.0.3
Hashcash payment protocol
The Hashcash-protocol for DAPID-payments.
See the wikipedia article to learn what hashcash is.
Proof of work
The hashing-function is sha3_256. The 'value' of an hash is defined by the amount of beginning chars which are numbers and not letters.
Usage in DapiD
var Dapid = require('dapid');
var hashcashProtocol = require('dapid-payment-hashcash');
var storageEngine = require('memdown'); //any level-down module
var dapid = new Dapid(storageEngine, 'any_db_prefix');
var hashcashProtocolInstance = hashcashProtocol.get('any_other_db_prefix', storageEngine, {
paybackTokenLifetime: 50 * 1, //timeframe in which the paybackTokens are valid. default: 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24ms
solutionValidTime: 50 //timeframe until found solutions are not valid. default: 1000 * 20ms
The paymentOptionData has a price-attribute which defines the difficulty of a single hash. The multiplier defines how many of the hashes must be found to have valid paymentData.
"price": 5,
"multiplier": 10
- Multithreading in util.solveChallenge()