0.3.1 • Published 10 years ago

datasift-push v0.3.1

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10 years ago

DataSift Push Server for HTTP

This library is a Node.js implementation for DataSift's HTTP connector as described in their HTTP docs. It should be used as a public endpoint for Push delivery.

Usage overview

The following topics are covered:

  • Installation
  • Configuration
  • Events
  • FAQ
  • Development & testing


This library is not a stand-alone server but should be used as a dependency in an app that is able to handle incoming data.

Add datasift-push to your package.json dependencies and run the following command:

$ npm install

Include it in your app:

var DataSift = require('datasift-push');
var server = new DataSift({ port: 8080 });
server.on('data', datahandler);


hostname (String, optional)

Limit incoming requests to a certain hostname.

sslKey and sslCert (String or Buffer, optional)

Provide both your SSL private key and certificate to start an https server.

port (Number, optional)

Listen for incoming requests on a certain port. Defaults to 80.

path (String, optional)

Limit incoming requests to a certain path. Defaults to "/".
A path of "/lorem/ipsum" will allow all requests to "/lorem/ipsum" and "/lorem/ipsum/dolor" but not "/lorem/sit/amet"

format (String, optional)

Format of incoming data. One of json_meta, json_array or json_new_line. Defaults to json_meta.
Make sure that push subscriptions are created with the same format. The server will refuse all requests that cannot be parsed.

maxSize (Number, optional)

Maximum allowed size of request body (in bytes). Defaults to 20971520 (20MB, DataSift max)
The server will immediately close the connection as soon as the size has been exceeded.

confirmData (Boolean, optional)

Expect app to confirm all emitted data. Defaults to false.
When set to true, the server expects your app to confirm that it has processed incoming data. The data event will have a third parameter with a "done" callback. Call this to confirm that the incoming data has been saved. If your app does not respond within 10 seconds, the server will automatically respond with a HTTP 500 message. As a result, DataSift will try to resend the data after a certain interval.

username and password (String, optional)

Requires incoming requests to be authorized. Defaults to undefined.


var server = new DataSift({
    port: 8080,
    path: '/lorem/ipsum/',
    username: 'john',
    password: 'loremipsum'



Emitted when server starts listening on the provided port. Arguments: port, hostname


Emitted when an incoming request has been refused. Arguments: reason

  • Could not inflate compressed data
  • Request did not contain required authentication headers
  • Requested path "..." does not match "..."
  • Post data exceeded limit of ... bytes
  • Could not parse post data


Emitted on internal errors. Arguments: error (Error instance)


Emitted after handling a "check" request from DataSift. Arguments: none


Emitted after parsing incoming data. Arguments: data, meta, done (optional)

  • data: array of interactions and deletions
  • meta: object with the request's meta data
    • url (raw url)
    • url_parsed (parsed url)
    • hash (playback id or stream hash)
    • hash_type (either historic or stream)
    • id (subscription id)
  • done: function to be called after processing incoming data. Only provided when option confirmData is true. Call as done(false) to respond with a HTTP 500.


Q: I do not receive any incoming data
A: Make sure the path, hostname and port are configured correctly and that your server is accessible from the internet.

Q: I keep receiving the same data
A: Did you enable the confirmData option? Make sure you call the done function after processing incoming data. Make sure you are able to process incoming data in time.

Q: I am unable to see what's going on
A: Listen to all described events to find out if there are any errors or refused connections. You might want to use server.http for more details debugging.


The library is published to NPM and can be installed with the following command:

$ npm install datasift-push


Navigate to this module's repository and make sure you have the development modules installed:

$ npm install

Run the tests:

$ npm test

10 years ago


10 years ago


11 years ago


11 years ago