4.0.0 • Published 5 years ago

datastructuresnpm v4.0.0

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5 years ago

You can see the package here:


Data Structures Library

This is a library I created as a personal project, and as a convenience for myself and others. This library contains commonly used data structures such as:

  1. Stacks
  2. Queues
  3. Singly Linked Lists
  4. Doubly Linked Lists
  5. Binary Search Trees
  6. Hash Table


Below you will find an example of how to bring in the module, and begin using it.

var dataStructures = require('datastructuresnpm');

var LL = new dataStructures.SinglyLinkedList();



Below is how you can instantiate the different data structures currently available:

var dataStructures = require('datastructuresnpm');

var stack = new dataStructures.Stack();
var queue = new dataStructures.Queue();
var singlyLinkedList = new dataStructures.SinglyLinkedList();
var doublyLinkedList = new dataStructures.DoublyLinkedList();
var binaryTree = new dataStructures.BinarySearchTree();
var hashTable = new dataStructures.HashTable();


The methods for each data structure are as follows:


  1. pop() - removes and returns the top most element in the stack
  2. push(element) - pushes a new element on to the stack
  3. peek() - returns top most element in the stack but does not remove it
  4. sizeOf() - displays size of stack
  5. isEmpty() - console logs true or false depending on whether stack is empty or not
  6. printStack() - prints all the values in the stack


  1. enqueue(element) - adds an element to the queue
  2. dequeue() - removes and returns the first element in the queue
  3. front() - returns first element in the queue but does not remove it
  4. isEmpty() - console logs true or false depending on whether queue is empty or not
  5. sizeOf() - returns the size of the queue

Singly Linked List

  1. addNode(element) - adds a node to the linked list
  2. removeNode(element) - removes a specific node of from the linked list based on the value of the element it holds, e.g.(removeNode(5) will remove the node containing the number '5')
  3. insertNodeAt(element, index) - adds a node with an element of your choosing at the index you want (e.g. insertNodeAt(5,2) will insert a node containing the number 5 at index 2)
  4. removeNodeAt(index) - removes a node at specified index
  5. sizeOf() - returns the size of the linked list
  6. isEmpty() - console logs true or false depending on whether linked list is empty or not
  7. displayNode(index) - searches for the node at the specified index and displays the information

Doubly Linked List

Same methods as those for the Singly Linked List, except now every node in the linked list now has a pointer to the next node, and the previous one. Additionally, the last node is tracked as the tail, just as the first is tracked as the head.

Binary Search Tree

  1. addNode(element) - adds a node to the binary search tree
  2. removeNode(element) - removes a specific node from the binary search tree based on the value of the element it holds
  3. isEmpty() - console logs true or false depending on whether binary tree is empty or not
  4. findDepth(element) - console logs the depth of the specified element, if it exists

Hash Table

  1. insert(key, value) - takes a key-value pair, calculates the index via a hash function and inserts it in the table
  2. removeAt(index) - remove key-value pair from index as specified by the user
  3. removeKey(key) - remove key-value pair based on the name of the key specified by the user
  4. revealTable() - reveals the entire table to the user
  5. findIndex(key) - find the index of a particular key-value based on the key
  6. revealInfo(element) - reveals the key-value pair based on information entered by the user; the user may specify either the key or the index

5 years ago


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5 years ago