0.0.1 • Published 10 years ago

datauri.template v0.0.1

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10 years ago

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Wraps datauri module with template support.

npm install --save datauri.template


This template method runs on top of Hogan(Mustache) by default, but you can change to any engine of your choice.

Hello World

We are going to start creating a template file, this can be CSS, HTML or JS. Make sure to add the variables classNameSuffix and dataURISchema. Both are reserved at this time, but custom variable names will be available soon.

/* foobar.css */
.image-{{classNameSuffix}} {
    background: url("{{dataURISchema}}");

Now we can create a JS file to preprocess the respective template. Remember that you do not necessarily need to instance DataURI like the example bellow. More examples using Callbacks and Events are available in the main doc.

var DataURI = require('datauri.template'),
    data    = new DataURI('test/myfile.png');

var content = data.template('template/foobar.css');

// result
console.log(content); // =>> .image-myfile {\n...

Write file + Extra variables

/* variables.css */
.image-{{classNameSuffix}} {
    background: url("{{dataURISchema}}");
    margin: {{defaultMargin}};
var fs      = require('fs'),
    DataURI = require('datauri.template'),
    data    = new DataURI('test/flag.gif'),
    content = data.template('template/variables.css', {
        defaultMargin: '.1rem'

/* variables.compiled.css */
.image-flag {
    background: url("");
    margin: .1rem;

Custom template engine

Consider lodash.template as example. If your favorite template engine does support a compile + render shorthand, you just need to point the handler after a given template path, otherwise you will need to create a template adapter.

/* lodash.css */
.image-<%= classNameSuffix %> {
    background: url("<%= dataURISchema %>");
    border-radius: <%= borderRadius %>;
var fs      = require('fs'),
    DataURI = require('datauri.template'),
    _       = require('lodash'), // or lodash.template for custom builds
    handleb = require('handlebars'), // or lodash.template for custom builds
    data    = new DataURI('test/flag.gif');
    content = data.template('template/lodash.css', _.template, {
        borderRadius: '2px'

/* lodash.css */
.image-flag {
    background: url("");
    border-radius: 2px;

Create a template adapter

Some templates engines does not have a shorthand to compile + render at the same call. In this specific cases we can create a template wrapper as the example bellow:

var DataURI    = require('datauri.template'),
    handlebars = require('handlebars'),
    data       = new DataURI('test/flag.gif');

data.templateAdapter = function (templateContent) {
    var tpl = handlebars.compile(templateContent);

    // bind is used to ensure scope
    return tpl.bind(handlebars);

var content = data.template('template/foobar.css');

// result
console.log(content); // =>> .image-flag {\n...


$ make install
$ make test

If you'd like to test the full process including npm installer, just run:

$ make fulltest

Release notes

  • 0.1 - First release


MIT License (c) Helder Santana