0.0.6 • Published 11 months ago

datocms-plugin-shopify-product-lister v0.0.6

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Last release
11 months ago

DatoCMS Shopify product plugin

A plugin that allows users to search and select Shopify products, using the latest version of Shopify's GraphQL endpoint.

Based on the following project: https://github.com/datocms/plugins/tree/master/shopify-product#readme


Please specify your Shopify domain and Storefront access token on the plugin global settings:


You can either hook this plugin manually to your single-line fields, or specifying an automatic match rule based on the API key.


If you wish to use the field while generating models/blocks in the JavaScript SDK, you can use the following setup:

await client.fields.create('ITEM_TYPE_OR_ITEM_TYPE_ID', {
    label: 'Shopify Product SKU',
    api_key: 'sku',
    field_type: 'string',
    appearance: {
      addons: [],
      editor: 'PLUGIN_ID_FROM_SETTINGS',
      parameters: {},
      field_extension: 'shopifyProductLister',
    validators: {
      required: {},
      unique: {},

Obtain a Shopify API key

To request a Storefront API access token follow these instructions.

Remember to give products read permissions. Demo