dc-sample-plugin v1.0.8
Sample Plugin Project
Package information
Name: dc-sample-plugin Component Name: SamplePlugin
The project can be built using bili. The resulting files will be placed in the ./dist/ directory.
This project can be published via "npm publish". This requires an logged in user via "npm login".
The module can be downloaded with the command 'npm intall --save dc-sample-plugin'.
Since this module uses Vue and Vuex, it has to be registered both in Vue and Vuex. To register in Vue, use the code 'Vue.use(SamplePlugin, { store })', where store is a Vuex.Store. Note that in order for the registration to work properly, a store object is required. This command automatically registeres the module as component at both fronts.
The component can be imported with the command "import SamplePlugin from 'dc-sample-plugin'". After listing it in the components section of the component, it can be used in the template.