1.0.8 • Published 2 years ago

dcl-fetch v1.0.8

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Last release
2 years ago

DCL Validator

Easily validate a player is inside Decentraland. No need to set up an external server.


To use any of the helpers provided by this library:

  1. Install it as an npm package. Run this command in your scene's project folder:

    npm i dcl-fetch
  2. Add this line at the start of your game.ts file, or any other TypeScript files that require it:

    import {dclFetch, dclFetchMethod, dclFetchResponse} from 'dcl-fetch'



export type dclFetchResponse = {
  valid: boolean, //if the validation was successful or not
  msg: string, //validation success or error message
  data:any //if your custom server returns any data from the endpoint passed

User Validation Only

  let res:dclFetchResponse = await dclFetch()
  log('response is', res)
    log('Valid DCL user')
    log('Error', res.msg)

User Validation and passing a get request to your custom server

please reach out to info@lastslice.org to setup your custom server code

  let res = await dclFetch({
    auth: "4f820820-cfd3-42d7-91a3-28fb357129af",
    link: "https://lkdcl.co/test/get",
    method: dclFetchMethod.GET
  log('res is', res)

User Validation and passing a get request to your custom server with query parameters

please reach out to info@lastslice.org to setup your custom server code

  let res:dclFetchResponse = await dclFetch({
    auth: "4f820820-cfd3-42d7-91a3-28fb357129af",
    link: "https://lkdcl.co/test/get",
    body: "param1=yes",
    method: dclFetchMethod.GET
  log('res is', res)

User Validation and passing a post request to your custom server with body parameters

please reach out to info@lastslice.org to setup your custom server code

  let res:dclFetchResponse = await dclFetch({
    auth: "4f820820-cfd3-42d7-91a3-28fb357129af",
    link: "https://lkdcl.co/test/post",
    body: {test:'ok'},
    method: dclFetchMethod.POST
  log('res is', res)

For server validation, please reach out to Lastraum#0153 on the process for obtaining an auth key

Copyright info

This scene is protected with a standard Apache 2 licence. See the terms and conditions in the LICENSE file.