0.0.1 • Published 6 years ago

dcore-js v0.0.1

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Last release
6 years ago

Quick look into DECENT

The new way of publishing

Our intention is to revolutionize digital distribution across the Internet.

DCore Network is a content distribution platform that is decentralized, open-source and uses Blockchain technology. Blockchain technology guarantees trust and security by embedding encryption at the lowest level. Perhaps the greatest benefit of this implementation of blockchain technology is invariant storage for published content which can eliminate manipulation and influence by any sort of middleman (eg. publisher). In short content can now be created and delivered directly with any fees collected solely by the seller at the point of sale. In addition to the technological side, there are the economical and social protocols that will govern real-world interactions across the network. In order to make transactions viable and user friendly a crypto-token, the DCT, has been implemented. The encrypted DCT tokens help mitigate attacks, promote funding and ensure transaction validation. One last thing of note, unlike other content distribution platforms underdevelopment, there are virtually no limitations as to the type of media that can be published on Dcore Network. It could be songs, books, articles, videos, source code, or anything really and in almost any format.


Javascript library to work with Dcore blockchain network.

Quick start


  1. Install Node.js >6 and npm >3 globally

  2. Change directory to project root dir

  3. Install npm install dcore-js

  4. Install dcore dependency library using npm install git+ssh://git@github.com/DECENTfoundation/dcore

Initialize library

import * as dcore from 'dcore';
import * as dcore_js from 'dcore-js';

const config = {
    dcoreNetworkWSPaths: ['wss://your.dcore.daemon:8090'],
    chainId: 'your-dcore-chain-id'

dcore_js.initialize(config, dcore);

Replace dcoreNetworkWSPaths with active dcore daemon instance and chainId with blockchain id which you are about to work on.


Once dcore lib is initialized, you can access methods using dcore with any of submodule - account(), content() or explorer()

Search content

import * as dcore from 'dcore-js';

const term = 'some phrase';
const order = dcore.SearchParamsOrder.createdDesc;
const user = '1.2.345';
const region_code = 'en';
const itemId = '0.0.0';
const category = '1';
const count = 4;

const searchParams: dcore.SearchParams = new dcore.SearchParams(
    term, order, user, region_code, itemId, category, count

    .then((contents: dcore.Content[]) => {
        // process found content
    .catch(err => {
        // handle error

Replace all variables with your values to get requested content. Search example

Buy content

import * as dcore from 'dcore-js';

const contentId = '1.2.3';
const accountId = '1.3.45';dcore
const privateKey = 'ac7b6876b8a7b68a7c6b8a7c6b8a7cb68a7cb78a6cb8';
const elGammalPublic = '704978309485720398475187405981709436818374592763459872645';

    .then(() => {
        // Content successfully bought
    .catch(() => {
        // buy unsuccessful, handle buy error

Replace variables with keys from your dcore account to buy content. Otherwise you will not be able to buy content. Private key must be in WIF(Wallet Import Format). Buy example

Download/Restore content

Method restoreContentKeys will restore your key generated during content submission, used to encrypt content.

import * as dcore from 'dcore-js';

const elGamalPrivate = '32983749287349872934792739472387492387492834';
const elGamalPublic = '704978309485720398475187405981709436818374592763459872645';
const elGamalKeyPair = new dcore.KeyPair(elGamalPrivate, elGamalPublic);
const contentId = '1.2.312';

// Content key restoration
dcore.content().restoreContentKeys(contentId, elGamalKeyPair)
    .then(key => {
        // ... now you are able to decrypt your content
    .catch(err => {
        // error restoring key

Download example

More examples available here. To run examples, you need to clone repository and build with npm run build if folders dist and lib is not presented. Browser bundle can be found within dist/bundle.js. Node version in lib/dcore-js.js.

All available methods


searchContent(searchParams: SearchParams): Promise<Content[]>

getContent(id: string): Promise<Content>

removeContent(contentId: string,
              authorId: string,
              privateKey: string): Promise<void>

restoreContentKeys(contentId: String,
                   accountId: string,
                   ...elGamalKeys: KeyPair[]): Promise<string>

generateContentKeys(seeders: string[]): Promise<ContentKeys>

addContent(content: SubmitObject,
           privateKey: string): Promise<void>

buyContent(contentId: string,
           buyerId: string,
           elGammalPub: string,
           privateKey: string): Promise<void>

getSeeders(resultSize: number): Promise<Seeder[]>

getPurchasedContent(accountId: string,
                    order: string,
                    startObjectId: string,
                    term: string,
                    resultSize: number): Promise<Content[]>


getAccountByName(name: string): Promise<Account>

getAccountById(id: string): Promise<Account>

getTransactionHistory(accountId: string,
                      privateKeys: string[],
                      order: string,
                      startObjectId: string,
                      resultLimit: number): Promise<TransactionRecord[]>

transfer(amount: number,
         fromAccount: string,
         toAccount: string,
         memo: string,
         privateKey: string): Promise<void>

getBalance(account: string): Promise<number>


formatToReadiblePrice(dctAmount: number): string

ripemdHash(fromBuffer: Buffer): string

generateKeys(fromBrainKey: string): (KeyPrivate | KeyPublic)[]

getPublicKey(privkey: KeyPrivate): KeyPublic

privateKeyFromWif(pkWif: string): KeyPrivate

publicKeyFromString(pubKeyString: string): KeyPublic