1.0.1 • Published 3 years ago

deadmanssnitch-client v1.0.1

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The deadmanssnitch-client Node.js library contains a simple and convenient HTTP client for making requests to Dead Man's Snitch check-ins and the Dead Man's Snitch REST API.

Table of contents


Using NPM:

$ npm install deadmanssnitch-client

Using Yarn:

$ yarn add deadmanssnitch-client


Initializing a client

The library exports a DeadMansSnitchClient class for interacting with Dead Man's Snitch check-ins and the Dead Man's Snitch REST API. You'll need an API key provided by Dead Man's Snitch in order to interact with the Dead Man's Snitch REST API. An API key is required for REST API calls, but it is not necessary for snitch check-ins. You can provide the API key as an apiKey option or set the API key as an environment variable using DMS_API_KEY. By default, the client will use the DMS_API_KEY environment variable if the apiKey option is not provided.

Example import methods:

const DeadMansSnitchClient = require('deadmanssnitch-client');

// Creating an API client.
const client = new DeadMansSnitchClient({
import DeadMansSnitchClient from 'deadmanssnitch-client';

// Creating an API client.
const client = new DeadMansSnitchClient({

Using environment variables in an application:

const DeadMansSnitchClient = require('deadmanssnitch-client');

// Set the API key as an environment variable.

const client = new DeadMansSnitchClient();

Setting environment variables before running an application:




> cmd /C "set DMS_API_KEY=DEAD-MANS-SNITCH-API-KEY && node app.js"


These are the available options for creating a DeadMansSnitchClient instance.

apiKeyundefinedDead Man's Snitch API Key
timeout5000Number of milliseconds before the request times out
apiBaseUrlhttps://api.deadmanssnitch.comBase URL for the Dead Man's Snitch REST API
checkInBaseUrlhttps://nosnch.inBase URL for the Dead Man's Snitch check-ins
fullResponsefalseGet the full response instead of just the body
maxContentLength10000The max size of the HTTP response content in bytes
maxBodyLength2000The max allowed size of the HTTP request body in bytes
apiVersion1The REST API Version to use


The checkIn and REST API methods return a Promise which resolves with the response data or rejects with an error.

Alternatively, the checkIn method and each of the REST API methods can also be provided a completion callback function as its last argument. When a callback function is used the corresponding method does not return a value. The arguments passed to the completion callback function are err and resp. The first argument (err) is always reserved for an exception/error and the second argument (resp) is always reserved for the data returned from the check-in or API call. If the corresponding method is completed successfully, then the first argument will be undefined. If the method fails, then the second argument will be undefined.

Create an instance:

const DeadMansSnitchClient = require('deadmanssnitch-client');

// Creating an API client.
const client = new DeadMansSnitchClient({

Check-in with a snitch:

async function performTask(token) {
   * Add task logic here.

  // Check-in after a task completes.
  await client.checkIn(token);

Check-in with a snitch and add a message:

async function performTask(token) {
   * Add task logic here.

  // Check-in after a task completes.
  await client.checkIn(token, `All's good man!`);

Get a list of snitches:

async function getAllSnitches() {
  try {
    return await client.getSnitches();
  } catch(err) {

Get a certain snitch:

async function getSnitchInfo(token) {
  try {
    return await client.getSnitch(token);
  } catch(err) {

Create a new snitch:

async function createNewSnitch() {
  try {
    return await client.createSnitch({
      name: 'Web App',
      interval: 'daily'
  } catch(err) {

Update a snitch using a callback function:

async function updateMySnitch(token, snitchInfo) {
  await client.updateSnitch(token, snitchInfo, (err, resp) => {
    if (err) {
    } else {


Change Log

The CHANGELOG contains descriptions of notable changes.


This software is licensed under the Apache 2 license.