debt-collector v1.0.0-alpha.5
/!\ Documentation is not up to date with v2-alpha... update comming soon
A nodejs util to identify, track and mesure technical debt in a project.
Note that debt-collector is an alpha version and you should consider that bugs may occur and API may change without warnings. As debt-collector is a tool that does not interfere with your code base, even buggy, it is relatively safe to use. Considering the previous informations, we recomend to install a fixed version of debt-collector as of now.
global :
npm i -g debt-collector
local :
npm i --save-dev debt-collector
How does it works ?
Debt collector has three main commands : check
, compare
and walk
DC works by checking every files matching a include
glob pattern, provided by a configuration file.
Each file is then checked for each rule defined in fileRules
, for example :
include: '**/*.js',
fileRules: [
title: 'Should remove all "foo" occurences',
id: 'NO_FOO',
debtScore: 2,
matchRule: ({ findOne }) => findOne('foo'),
In this exemple, for each javascript file within the current working directory,
we will check if we find the string foo
within the file. Each time we encounter foo
within a file, the debt score is incremented by 2 (debtScore
commands common options
display help
ex: debt-collector [command] --help
, -g
: glob
filters files by path
ex: debt-collector [command] --collect-from="./src/**/*.scss"
or debt-collector [command] -g "./src/components/**/*.tsx"
, -c
: string
a path to DC config file
ex: debt-collector [command] --config="./path/to/config"
or debt-collector [command] -c ./path/to/config
check command
debt-collector check
or npx debt-collector check
this command will check all files and output a debt report, as well as a total score
Available check option
the availables options are
, -r
: string
filter a specific rule (by ID)
ex: debt-collector check --rule=FILE_TOO_LONG
or debt-collector check -r RULE_ID
, -t
: array
filter rules by tags
ex: debt-collector check --tags="design system" "forms" "styles"
or debt-collector check -t "design system" "forms" "styles"
: number
limit results to X files ordered by debt score
, -s
: string
filters only files that have changed since a git revision : local commit, branch or tag (make sure to be up to date)
ex: debt-collector check --changed-since=master
or debt-collector check -s master
this flag is usefull to give you a report for the current changes and can be used as a pre-push, or pre-commit hook, to inform you about actions you could take to reduce debt.
, -f
: string
filesOnly list only files with debt scores
ex: debt-collector check --report-format=filesOnly
or debt-collector check -f filesOnly
noMatchRules list only rules that did not match anything
(useful to filter old rules or to identify bugged ones)
ex: debt-collector check --report-format=noMatchRules
or debt-collector check -f noMatchRules
standard default option, all files with every rules / scores
ex: debt-collector check --report-format=standard
or debt-collector check -f standard
compare command
debt-collector compare --revision [rev]
ou npx debt-collector compare --revision [rev]
This command will check every file that have changed since the revision (created, renamed, modified or deleted files) once for the revision, and one for the current HEAD and compare results to provide a compared results.
It will output files with no changes in bebt scores, files with less debt and files with more debt, as well as a total score comparaison.
Particularly usefull when creating a pull request, and we want to compare the main branch with the current pull request debt scores.
Available compare option
, -r
: string
filter a specific rule (by ID)
ex: debt-collector compare --rule=FILE_TOO_LONG
or debt-collector compare -r RULE_ID
, -t
: array
filter rules by tags
ex: debt-collector compare --tags="design system" "forms" "styles"
or debt-collector compare -t "design system" "forms" "styles"
walk command
debt-collector walk
ou npx debt-collector walk
This command will check every releases tags and run a diagnostic.
It will then output a HTML report with a detailled graph and will try to open it in the browser.
If the openning fails, the report will be saved in node_modules/.cache/debt-collector/report.html
/!\ please note that for now, the walk command should only work in the context of the the passculture project (for wich this library was initialy created), but a configuration should be added in the future to allow you to check any revisions you want (tags or commits) with fine controls.
Available walk options
, -n
: number
limit the number of revision to check
ex: debt-collector walk --revlength=10
or debt-collector walk -n 10
By default DC will look for a configuration file in the current working directory : ./debt-collector.config.js
Configs keys
include: './src/**/*', // glob pattern for the files to track,
fileRules: [...], // an array of rules checking file content,
eslintConfigPath: './path/to/myEslintConfig.js', // a path to an eslint config to check for eslint rules
eslintRules: [...] // an array of rules checking for eslint output results
Configuring FileRules :
An array of objects containing the following keys :
required: stringid
required: string (SNAKE_CASE by convention)debtScore
required: a integer that will increment for each matchdescription
optional: a string to give more detailed information about the ruletags
optional: an array of strings, usefull to filter or create rules groupsinclude
optional: glob pattern : for applying the rule only if the file match the a glob patternmatchRule
optional: a function returing the number of occurences found in the file
To be valid, a fileRule should have at least a include
or a matchRule
or both.
the include key
Given the following config :
include: './src/**/*',
fileRules: [
title: 'should migrate javascript files to typescript',
id: 'JS_TO_TS',
debtScore: 5,
include: '**/*.{js,jsx}',
DC will increment the debt score by 5 every time it encounter a js or a jsx file within the src
The matchRule function
The match rule function should return a number, corresponding to the number of occurences found in the file, for exemple, given a file with the folowing content :
foo bar foo foo
And the following config :
include: './src/**/*',
fileRules: [
title: 'should migrate javascript files to typescript',
id: 'JS_TO_TS',
debtScore: 2,
matchRule:({ findOne }) => findOne('foo'),
The file would have a score of 6 ( 3 occurences of 'foo' * debtScore )
({findOne}) => findOne('foo') + findOne('bar')
would give you a score of 8
The matchRule function
DC provide the matchRule
function with a parameter object of usefull things :
type MatchRule = ({
content: string,
file: string,
findOne(string | Regex): 0 | 1,
countAll(string | Regex): number,
findOneOf((string | Regex)[]): 0 | 1,
countAllOf((string | Regex)[]): number,
findJsImportFrom(string, string): 0 | 1,
}) => number
examples :
findJsImportFrom('foo', 'bar')
will matches import foo from 'bar'
or import { foo, baz } from '@tata/bar'
will match all occurences of map(() => {})
that are not preceded by a .
findOneOf(['toto', 'tutu', /tata/g])
will return 1 if the file contain any occurence of toto
, tutu
or tata
countAllOf(['toto', 'tutu', /tata/g])
will return the number of occurences of toto
, tutu
and tata
in a file
using both matchRule and include
By using both matchRule and include, your score will only increment if the file match the glob and the rule.
Configuring Eslint rules
To configure eslint checks on files, provide the following keys in the configuration file :
eslintConfigPath: './path/to/myEslintConfig.js', // a path to an eslint config to check for eslint rules
eslintRules: [...] // an array of rules checking for eslint output results
eslintRules array
You should provide the same keys for eslint rules than for fileRules, exept for the eslintRules
key :
required: stringid
required: string (SNAKE_CASE by convention)debtScore
required: a integer that will increment for each matchdescription
optional: a string to give more detailed information about the ruletags
optional: an array of strings, usefull to filter or create rules groupsinclude
optional: glob pattern or an array of glob patterns: for applying the rule only if the file matchmatchESLintRule
optional: a function returing the number of occurences found in eslint output
The matchESLintRule function :
DC provide the matchESLintRule
function with an object of usefull things passed as param :
: a javascript object containing the eslint output result for the filefile
: the relative file path (ex: './src/components/Button/Button.tsx')containRuleIdMessage
: an utility than return the number of error or warning from a specific rulecontainMessageFromPlugin
: an utility than return the number of error or warning from a particular plugin
The matchESLintRule
function should return an integer
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