1.0.5 • Published 4 years ago
debuglog4js v1.0.5
debuglog4js is a log tool or we can say that debugging tool for javascript developers to save their logs and errors in a log file.
And of course debuglog4js itself is open source with a public repository on GitHub.
debuglog4js requires Node.js v4+ to run.
npm install debuglog4js --save
Install the dependencies and devDependencies and start the server.
const debug = require("debuglog4js"); // import debuglog4js package
debug.log('sample log', 6);
debug.error(`error for ${err}`);
debug.info(`user = ${user}`);
debug.debug('debug details for user ', user);
debug.warning('this is warning')
Then debuglog4js will cretae an file named app.log on your root directory where you can see your logs.