1.5.0 • Published 3 years ago

debunking-npm-packages v1.5.0

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3 years ago

Debunking NPM Packages

I found so mnay obstacles while trying to publish my first npm package that I saw myself forced to thoroughly document the errors and their potential solution so that the errors are not repeated down the road.

Case #0: Exporting an empty file (passes)

Node, index.js:

// empty file

RunKit response (Node JS environment):

var debunkingNpmPackages = require("debunking-npm-packages" 1.0.0)

// response:
Object {}

Explanation: In Node JS, module is an object, with the following structure:


// output
Module {
  id: '/Users/username/debunking-npm-packages/index.js',
  path: '/Users/username/debunking-npm-packages',
  exports: {},
  filename: '/Users/username/debunking-npm-packages/index.js',
  loaded: false,
  children: [],
  paths: [

The exports property of this module object is an empty object (by default), that is,

module.exports  // =>  {}

Exporting a file exports the exports property of the module object. Hence, exporting an empty file exports an empty object.

Case #1: Mixed exports (passing)

Node, index.js:

const string = "my string"
const myFunction = function(){
    return "This is my function"
const array = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7]
const myObject = {
    day: "Monday",
    month: "July"

// Mixed exports
exports.additional = "Additional";
module.exports.again = "Again";
module.exports = {
module.exports.addMe = "Add me too!!!";
exports.moreStuff = "More stuff";
module.exports.canIGo = "Can I go?";

Node response, consumer.js:

const everyting = require('./index');

// Log:
  string: 'my string',
  myFunction: [Function: myFunction],
  array: [
    1, 2, 3, 4,
    5, 6, 7
  myObject: { day: 'Monday', month: 'July' },
  addMe: 'Add me too!!!',
  canIGo: 'Can I go?'

Explanation: Out of the 6 exports, only 3 exports were exported, namely: module.exports =, and the two module.exports.something located below the module.exports =. We derive the following rules:

  • If present, module.exports = always get exported.
  • If there is a module.exports =, the module.exports.something get exported ONLY IF they are located below the module.exports =.
  • If there is a module.exports =, the exports.something DON'T GET EXPORTED (regardless of their location).

Let us now remove the module.exports = to see what happens:

// index.js
exports.additional = "Additional";
module.exports.again = "Again";
module.exports.addMe = "Add me too!!!";
exports.moreStuff = "More stuff";
module.exports.canIGo = "Can I go?";

// Response, consumer.js:
const everyting = require('./index');

// Log:
  additional: 'Additional',
  again: 'Again',
  addMe: 'Add me too!!!',
  moreStuff: 'More stuff',
  canIGo: 'Can I go?'

From the above results, we derive the following rule:

  • If there is not a module.esports =, then both module.exports.something and exports.somethig always get exported.

Case #2: Requiring modules (passing)

Node, index.js:

const info = "my info";
const calendar = {
    day: "Monday",
    month: "July"

module.exports = "We are two 'module.exports=', do I get exported?";
module.exports = {

Node response, consumer.js:

const everyting = require('./index');
const { info, calendar, pencil } = require('./index');


// Logs:
{ info: 'my info', calendar: { day: 'Monday', month: 'July' } }
my info
{ day: 'Monday', month: 'July' }

Explanation: First, let us notice that we have two module.exports =. We derive the following rule:

  • If there are multiple module.exports =, only the LAST ONE gets exported.

The left-handside of the second require utilizes JavaScript's destructuring assignment to pull in the VALUES from the called referenced object's properties. Since pencil WAS NOT a property on the exported object, it is undefined.

Case #3: Requiring modules (failing)

Node, index.js:

const sum = (num) => num + num;
exports.sum = sum;

Node response, consumer.js:

const everyting = require("./index4")

Throws error:

Error: Cannot find module './index4'
  requireStack: [ '/Users/username/debunking-npm-packages/consumer.js' ]

Explanation: The file index4.js is not present at the specified directory, and Node throws an error. Now, if we create a folder called node_modules and place it in the root directory (next to package.json), and inlucde an empty file within it called index4.js, and change the require statement in consumer.js from require("./index4) to require("index4"), we get the following response:

// consumer.js
console.log(everything) // => {}

that is, Node searched for an index4.js file relative to the directory node_modules and, since it found it, it returned our console.log.

Case #4: Requiring/Exportting modules mixed (failing + passing)

Node, index.js:

const square = (n) => n * n;
module.exports = square;

Node response, consumer.js:

const someMath = require("./index");
import square from "./index";


Throws error:

(node:30179) Warning: To load an ES module, set "type": "module" in the package.json or use the .mjs extension.
import square from "./index";

SyntaxError: Cannot use import statement outside a module

Explanation: Since we are using the syntax module.exports=, module.exports.something, exports.something for exporting, and the syntax require("file-location"), we are using the CommonJS module syntax (aka, CJS module, default to Node JS). The syntax import blank from "directory" belongs to the ECMAScript Module syntax (aka, ES module or ESM). Because our package.json file does not contain the property "type": "module", all .js files are treated as CommonJS modules (in our case, index.js and consumer.js) and, since we are using an import statement in consumer.js, namely, import square from "./index";, we get the error Cannot use import statement outside a module since we are using ES module syntax within a CommonJS module.

Let's implement the second suggestion given in the warning, that is, changing the file extension to .mjs (modular javascript, which supports import statement). After doing so, and running node consumer.mjs, we get a new error:

const someMath = require("./index");

ReferenceError: require is not defined in ES module scope, you can use import instead

Now Node is no longer complaining about the import statement, but it is now complaining about the require statement. This means that consumer.mjs is running as an ES (ECMAScript) module and not as a CommonJS module (CJS module). Ok; let us remove the require statement (and the corresponding console.log that uses it); after running node consumer.mjs, we get:

[Function: square]

Interesting; we are getting a response with no errors. Learnings:

  • A consumer file with extension.mjs whose code is written with ESM syntax can successfully import modules from a file that uses CommonJS syntax (that is, uses module.exports = syntax and alike).

Let us now revert the code to the initial state and try out the first suggestion in the warning from the first error, that is, include "type": "module" in package.json:

// package.json
 // some properties
  "main": "index.js",  
  "type": "module",
  "author": "Luis Martinez",
  // more properties

After running node consumer.js we get:

import square from "./index.js";

SyntaxError: The requested module './index.js' does not provide an export named 'default'

Ok; Node is complaining about the index.js file and not about consumer.js; well, this case can be tricky. Node is complaning about index.js because of a statement inluded in consumer.js, namely, the statement:

import square from "./index.js";

When adding the property "type": "module" to the package.sjon file, all .js files within the scope of that package.json are treated as ES modules (ECMAScript modules). This means that index.js and consumer.js are being treated as ES modules (and not as Common JS modules). The statement import square from "./index.js" is called a "default import" statement. Such a statement expects a correspnoding export default statement (in ES syntax), which has the following format:

export default <something>

where something can be a string, a function, an array, an object, etc. Hence, since index.js is using CJS syntax (Common JS syntax) for exporting, namely,

module.exports = { square }

we need to change the syntax to ES syntax. Now, if we did not know anything about ES syntax, we would probably attempt adding a default somewhere to the previous code, since the error says provide an export named 'default'; so let's do that first:

const square = (n) => n * n;

module.exports = {
    default: square
// and let's try another way as well
module.default = square

For the above two trials we still get the same error. So let us actually fix the error using the ES module default export syntax:

const square = (n) => n * n;

export default square  

Running, again, node consumer.js yields the following response:

const someMath = require("./index.js");

ReferenceError: require is not defined in ES module scope, you can use import instead
This file is being treated as an ES module because it has a '.js' file extension and '/Users/username/debunking-npm-packages/package.json' contains "type": "module". To treat it as a CommonJS script, rename it to use the '.cjs' file extension.

  at file:///Users/username/debunking-npm-packages/consumer.js:2:18

Ok, remember that the files are running as ES mdodules; so now that we are using the proper syntax for exporting in index.js for the corresponding import syntax in consumer.js, we are no longer getting an error for index.js; what we need to do next is removing the require statement from consumer.js along with the console log that uses it:

import square from "./index.js";

Running consumer.js again yields:

[Function: square]

NO ERRORS. Evryting is running within the ES module scope.

Let us summarize the learnings from this section:

  • If package.json does not include the property "types": "module", all .js files within the scope of that package.json run as CJS modules (CommonJS modules; Native to Node Js).

  • Changing the file extension of a file from .js to .mjs makes THAT FILE ONLY run as a ES module (ECMAScript module (ESM); native to JavaScript).

  • An ESM consumer file with extension .mjs (that is, uses import statement) can successfully import modules from CommonJS files (from both, .js and .cjs files).

  • A consumer file running as an ES module module CANNOT import nor export using CommonJS module syntax; importing with const blank = **require()** will throw:

ReferenceError: require is not defined in ES module scope, you can use import instead

, while exporting with module.exports = or module.exports.something = or exports.something = will throw:

ReferenceError: exports is not defined in ES module scope.
  • When package.json includes "types": "module", all .js files within the scope of that package.json will run as ES modules. However, files ending in .cjs will run as CJS modules.

  • The above statement means that for all .js files, ESM syntax must be used (cannot merge CommonJs syntax).

Case #5: 'Could not find a declaration for file...' warning

(To be developed) If you are building your own npm package, and you install it in your app for testing, you might find a warning message in the line that imports your package, namely, on thisline:

import MyPackage from `'..`your-npm-package'

If you place your mouse right after from you might see that a message pops up:

Could not find a declaration file for module '<your-npm-pakcage>'. '/Users/username/your-app/node_modules/your-npm-package/src/index.js' implicitly has an 'any' type.
  Try `npm i --save-dev @types/you-npm-package` if it exists or add a new declaration (.d.ts) file containing `declare module 'your-npm-package';`ts(7016)

Case #6: 'Referrence error: process is not defined'

(To be developed)

VM69:2 Uncaught ReferenceError: process is not defined
    at Object.4043 (<anonymous>:2:13168)
    at r (<anonymous>:2:306599)
    at Object.8048 (<anonymous>:2:9496)
    at r (<anonymous>:2:306599)
    at Object.8641 (<anonymous>:2:1379)
    at r (<anonymous>:2:306599)
    at <anonymous>:2:315627
    at <anonymous>:2:324225
    at <anonymous>:2:324229
    at HTMLIFrameElement.e.onload (ind

Case #7: Serving CommonJs modules, RequireJS modules, AMD modules, and Browser modules

(In progress)


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