5.5.0-ftc • Published 3 years ago
decentrastates-gatsby v5.5.0-ftc
Common Gatsby project
Setup new project
Initialize a new project
npm init
Install this library as a dependency:
npm install -s decentraland-gatsby
Run the setup command
Start project
npm start
If it's the first time that you run a decentraland-gatsby project you may run it as sudo in order to create https files
Project structure
src/ ............................... source code
┣ @types/ ......................... typescript custom types
┣ migrations/ ..................... migrations
┃ ┗ [date]-[migration-name].ts .... files created with `npm run migrate`
┣ components/ ..................... react components
┣ hooks/ .......................... react hooks
┣ entities/ ....................... server side entities
┃ ┗ [Entity] ...................... entity name
┃ ┣ job.ts .................... background handler (runs periodically in without expose an endpoint)
┃ ┣ metrics.ts ................ metrics collectors
┃ ┣ middleware.ts ............. connect middleware to reuse
┃ ┣ model.ts .................. database model
┃ ┣ routes.ts ................. express routes
┃ ┣ utils.ts .................. entity helper function (should be front compatible)
┃ ┗ types.ts .................. entity types (should be front compatible)
┣ images/ ..................... render image
┣ intl/ ..................... language files
┃ ┗ [en|es|...].json
┣ pages/ ........................... route files
┃ ┣ 404.tsx ................... not found page
┃ ┣ index.tsx ................... index page
┃ ┣ index.css ................... index styles
┃ ┣ [route].tsx ................... page render component
┃ ┗ [route].css ................... page styles
┣ html.js ..................... gatsby html template
┗ server.ts ..................... server entry point
static/ ................ gatsby static files
.env.example ........... environment variables
.env.development ....... environment variables for development
.env.staging ........... environment variables for staging
.env.production ........ environment variables for production
.gitlab-ci.yml ...... CI configuration file
.prettierignore ...... prettier files
Dockerfile ......... Docker files
gatsby-browser.js ..... gatsby configuration
tsconfig.json ........ tsconfig default configuration
Environment variables
# ethereum addresses (separated by ,) that return true
# when you use src/entities/Auth/isAdmin.ts
# infura keys (separated by ,) to create providers
# with src/entities/Blockchain/provider#getProvider
# connection string to the database
# token bearer token that protects `/metrics`
# build data, exposed at `/status`
# default endpoint for utils/api/Catalyst
# default endpoint for utils/api/Land
Project commands
npm run migrate create [migration_name] # create a new migration
npm run migrate up # run all new migrations
npm run migrate down # revert last migration
npm start # start the front and the back end development server
npm run develop # start the front end development server
npm run server # start the back end development server
npm run format # apply code formatting
npm test # run test
npm run build # build end files
npm run production # run production server