declare v0.0.3
/** example/simple.js
declare is a node.js optimized version of dojo 1.7's dojo.declare This example shows how to create a namespace and create classes within.
No global namespace is violated
declare includes the folloing modified dojo functions
- declare
- mixin
- getObject
- setObject
- exists
- getProp
for more information check the dojo docs (with dojo. prefix for sure)
var createNamespace = require("../index");
var myCustomNamespace = { "doesNotMatter" : "anyValue" };
var oop = createNamespace(myCustomNamespace);
var MYClass = oop.declare("my.namespace.MYCLASS",[],{ property:"value", constructor:function(){ console.log("I AM ALIVE"); }, methodA:function(){ console.log("methodA called") console.log(this); }, methodB:function(){ console.log("methodB called") } });
oop.declare("MYSubClass",,{ constructor:function(){ oop.mixin(this,{methodC:function(){ console.log("same mixin like known from dojo @" , this.declaredClass); }}); }, methodA:function(){ console.log("method A from " + this.declaredClass); } })
/ this will end up with the same result... / var instance = new MYClass(); / The namespace can be accessed with the object we used to create the "oop" instance. You could create more factories each with a different namespace / var i2 = new;
var subi = new myCustomNamespace.MYSubClass(); subi.methodA(); subi.methodB(); subi.methodC();
this will print nonsense but working output:
I AM ALIVE I AM ALIVE I AM ALIVE method A from MYSubClass methodB called same mixin like known from dojo @ MYSubClass **/