0.0.2 • Published 6 years ago

deep-metrics v0.0.2

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Last release
6 years ago

Appmetrics tuned

var monitoring = require('../..').start()
monitoring.ee.on('socketio', function(data) {

API: Dependency Events (probes)

Event: 'http'/'https'

Emitted when a HTTP/HTTPS request is made of the application.

  • data (Object) the data from the HTTP(S) request:
    • time (Number) the milliseconds when the request was made. This can be converted to a Date using new Date(data.time).
    • method (String) the HTTP(S) method used for the request.
    • url (String) the URL on which the request was made.
    • duration (Number) the time taken for the HTTP(S) request to be responded to in ms.
    • header (String) the response header for the HTTP(S) request.
    • contentType (String) the content type of the HTTP(S) request.
    • requestHeader (Object) the request header for HTTP(S) request.

Event: 'http-outbound'/'https-outbound'

Emitted when the application makes an outbound HTTP/HTTPS request.

  • data (Object) the data from the HTTP(S) request:
    • time (Number) the milliseconds when the request was made. This can be converted to a Date using new Date(data.time).
    • method (String) the HTTP(S) method used for the request.
    • url (String) the URL on which the request was made.
    • contentType (String) the HTTP(S) response content-type.
    • statusCode (String) the HTTP response status code.
    • duration (Number) the time taken for the HTTP(S) request to be responded to in ms.
    • 'requestHeaders' (Object) the HTTP(S) request headers.

Event: 'leveldown'

Emitted when a LevelDB query is made using the leveldown module.

  • data (Object) the data from the LevelDB query:
    • time (Number) the time in milliseconds when the LevelDB query was made. This can be converted to a Date using new Date(data.time).
    • method (String) The leveldown method being used.
    • key (Object) The key being used for a call to get, put or del (Undefined for other methods)
    • value (Object) The value being added to the LevelDB database using the put method (Undefined for other methods)
    • opCount (Number) The number of operations carried out by a batch method (Undefined for other methods)
    • duration (Number) the time taken for the LevelDB query to be responded to in ms.

Event: 'loopback-datasource-juggler'

Emitted when a function is called on the loopback-datasource-juggler module

  • data (Object) the data from the loopback-datasource-juggler event:
    • time (Number) the time in milliseconds when the event occurred. This can be converted to a Date using new Date(data.time)
    • method (String) the function the juggler has executed
    • duration (Number) the time taken for the operation to complete.

Event: 'memcached'

Emitted when a data is stored, retrieved or modified in Memcached using the memcached module.

  • data (Object) the data from the memcached event:
    • time (Number) the milliseconds when the memcached event occurred. This can be converted to a Date using new Date(data.time)
    • method (String) the method used in the memcached client, eg set, get, append, delete, etc.
    • key (String) the key associated with the data.
    • duration (Number) the time taken for the operation on the memcached data to occur.

Event: 'mongo'

Emitted when a MongoDB query is made using the mongodb module.

  • data (Object) the data from the MongoDB request:
    • time (Number) the milliseconds when the MongoDB query was made. This can be converted to a Date using new Date(data.time)
    • query (String) the query made of the MongoDB database.
    • duration (Number) the time taken for the MongoDB query to be responded to in ms.
    • method (String) the executed method for the query, such as find, update.
    • collection (String) the MongoDB collection name.

Event: 'mqlight'

Emitted when a MQLight message is sent or received.

  • data (Object) the data from the MQLight event:
    • time (Number) the time in milliseconds when the MQLight event occurred. This can be converted to a Date using new Date(data.time).
    • clientid (String) the id of the client.
    • data (String) the data sent if a 'send' or 'message', undefined for other calls. Truncated if longer than 25 characters.
    • method (String) the name of the call or event (will be one of 'send' or 'message').
    • topic (String) the topic on which a message is sent/received.
    • qos (Number) the QoS level for a 'send' call, undefined if not set.
    • duration (Number) the time taken in milliseconds.

Event: 'mqtt'

Emitted when a MQTT message is sent or received.

  • data (Object) the data from the MQTT event:
    • time (Number) the time in milliseconds when the MQTT event occurred. This can be converted to a Date using new Date(data.time).
    • method (String) the name of the call or event (will be one of 'publish' or 'message').
    • topic (String) the topic on which a message is published or received.
    • qos (Number) the QoS level for the message.
    • duration (Number) the time taken in milliseconds.

Event: 'mysql'

Emitted when a MySQL query is made using the mysql module.

  • data (Object) the data from the MySQL query:
    • time (Number) the milliseconds when the MySQL query was made. This can be converted to a Date using new Date(data.time).
    • query (String) the query made of the MySQL database.
    • duration (Number) the time taken for the MySQL query to be responded to in ms.

Event: 'oracle'

Emitted when a query is executed using the oracle module.

  • data (Object) the data from the Oracle query:
    • time (Number) the milliseconds when the Oracle query was made. This can be converted to a Date using new Date(data.time).
    • query (String) the query made of the Oracle database.
    • duration (Number) the time taken for the Oracle query to be responded to in ms.

Event: 'oracledb'

Emitted when a query is executed using the oracledb module.

  • data (Object) the data from the OracleDB query:
    • time (Number) the milliseconds when the OracleDB query was made. This can be converted to a Date using new Date(data.time).
    • query (String) the query made of the OracleDB database.
    • duration (Number) the time taken for the OracleDB query to be responded to in ms.

Event: 'postgres'

Emitted when a PostgreSQL query is made to the pg module.

  • data (Object) the data from the PostgreSQL query:
    • time (Number) the milliseconds when the PostgreSQL query was made. This can be converted to a Date using new Date(data.time).
    • query (String) the query made of the PostgreSQL database.
    • duration (Number) the time taken for the PostgreSQL query to be responded to in ms.

Event: 'redis'

Emitted when a Redis command is sent.

  • data (Object) the data from the Redis event:
    • time (Number) the time in milliseconds when the redis event occurred. This can be converted to a Date using new Date(data.time).
    • cmd (String) the Redis command sent to the server or 'batch.exec'/'multi.exec' for groups of command sent using batch/multi calls.
    • duration (Number) the time taken in milliseconds.

Event: 'riak'

Emitted when a Riak method is called using the basho-riak-client module.

  • data (Object) the data from the Riak event:
    • time (Number) the time in milliseconds when the riak event occurred. This can be converted to a Date using new Date(data.time).
    • method (String) the Riak method called.
    • options (Object) the options parameter passed to Riak.
    • command (Object) the command parameter used in the execute method.
    • query (String) the query parameter used in the mapReduce method.
    • duration (Number) the time taken in milliseconds.

Event: 'socketio'

Emitted when WebSocket data is sent or received by the application using socketio.

  • data (Object) the data from the socket.io request:
    • time (Number) the milliseconds when the event occurred. This can be converted to a Date using new Date(data.time).
    • method (String) whether the event is a broadcast or emit from the application, or a receive from a client .
    • event (String) the name used for the event.
    • duration (Number) the time taken for event to be sent or for a received event to be handled.

Event: 'strong-oracle'

Emitted when a query is executed using the strong-oracle module.

  • data (Object) the data from the Strong Oracle query:
    • time (Number) the milliseconds when the Strong Oracle query was made. This can be converted to a Date using new Date(data.time).
    • query (String) the query made of the database.
    • duration (Number) the time taken for the Strong Oracle query to be responded to in ms.

API: Requests

Event: 'request'

Requests are a special type of event emitted by appmetrics. All the probes named above can also create request events if requests are enabled. Howver requests are nested within a root incoming request (usually http). Request events are disabled by default.

  • data (Object) the data from the request:
    • time (Number) the milliseconds when the request occurred. This can be converted to a Date using new Date(data.time).
    • type (String) The type of the request event. This is the name of the probe that sent the request data, e.g. http, socketio etc.
    • name (String) The name of the request event. This is the request task, eg. the url, or the method being used.
    • request (Object) the detailed data for the root request event:
      • type (String) The type of the request event. This is the name of the probe that sent the request data, e.g. http, socketio etc.
      • name (String) The name of the request event. This is the request task, eg. the url, or the method being used.
      • context (Object) Additional context data (usually contains the same data as the associated non-request metric event).
      • stack (String) An optional stack trace for the event call.
      • children (Array) An array of child request events that occurred as part of the overall request event. Child request events may include function trace entries, which will have a type of null.
      • duration (Number) the time taken for the request to complete in ms.
    • duration (Number) the time taken for the overall request to complete in ms.