0.1.2 • Published 10 years ago

deepdo v0.1.2

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10 years ago


deepdo lets you mess with deeply nested objects.

license - MIT Flattr this


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To support arbitrarily nested properties, keys can be defined as paths using the dot (".") as path separator and the asterisk ("*") as a wildcard to match any property name. If you need to use keys that would normally contain a dot or asterisk, you can escape these characters using the backslash ("\\"), i.e. "\\." and "\\*".

deepdo.pick(keys:Array, source):*

Returns a new object that is a copy of source with only the properties specified in keys.

If source is an array, a new array will be returned instead of an object.

If keys is a string, it will be wrapped in an array automatically.


var noisyData = {
    success: true,
    data: {
        meta: true,
        secrets: 'interesting'
    lies: 'filthy lies',
var whatWeWant = deepdo.pick(['data.secrets', 'lies'], noisyData);
    data: {
        secrets: 'interesting'
    lies: 'filthy lies'

deepdo.omit(keys:Array, source):*

Returns a new object that is a copy of source without the properties specified in keys.

If source is an array, a new array will be returned instead of an object.

If keys is a string, it will be wrapped in an array automatically.


var noisyData = {
    success: true,
    data: {
        meta: true,
        secrets: 'interesting'
    lies: 'filthy lies',
var whatWeWant = deepdo.omit(['data.meta', 'success'], noisyData);
    data: {
        secrets: 'interesting'
    lies: 'filthy lies'

deepdo.mutate(map, source):source

Applies the given transformation map on the source and modifies it in-place. Returns the modified source.

The map can be either an object mapping keys to functions that should be executed on each matching property or an array of key/function tuples.


var thing = {
    names: ['foo', 'bar', 'qux'],
    color: 'blue',
    some: {
        deep: {stuff: 'here'},
        more: {stuff: 'also'}
var result = deepdo.mutate({
    'names.*': function (str) {return str.toUpperCase();},
    'color': function () {return 'yellow';},
    'some.*.stuff': function () {return 'chicken';}
}, thing);
console.log(result === thing); // true
    names: ['FOO', 'BAR', 'QUX'],
    color: 'yellow',
    some: {
        deep: {stuff: 'chicken'},
        more: {stuff: 'chicken'}


The MIT/Expat license. For more information, see http://pluma.mit-license.org/ or the accompanying LICENSE file.