0.2.0 • Published 3 years ago

definer-js v0.2.0

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3 years ago


Javascript SDK for definer protocols


This is the SDK that can be used in javascript or typescript project. Developers can use it to as a wrapper to interact with DeFiner's protocl on the mainnet and also can be used to interact with the backend API to get the statistical data from DeFiner.


Just use npm to install this DeFiner SDK:

npm i definer-js


  • First we need to import DeFiner class from the package: import { DeFiner } from 'definer-js'
  • Create a new DeFiner class: const definer = new DeFiner(web3);
  • Initialize the definer object, it will create all the contract instances for you: await definer.initialize();
  • Interact with the contract: await definer.getBorrowBalanceCurrent(Token.DAI, TheAccountYouWantToQuery);
  • Interact with the backend API: await definer.API.statusAssests(TheAccountYouWantToQuery);
  • When interacting with the contract on mainnet, it uses the average gas price that get from:https://docs.ethgasstation.info/
  • Currently, it only supports interacting with the contracts on mainnet, but in the future we will provide more options.


  • deposit(token: Token, amount: any): Deposit an amount of token to DeFiner.
  • borrow(token: Token, amount: any): Borrow an amount of token from DeFiner.
  • repay(token: Token, amount: any): Repay an amount of token to DeFiner.
  • withdraw(token: Token, amount: any): Withdraw an amount of token from DeFiner.
  • withdrawAll(token: Token): Withdraw all tokens from DeFiner.
  • userHasAnyDeposit(target: string): Check whether the target user has deposits in DeFiner or not.
  • getDepositPrincipal(token: Token, target: string): Get the deposit principal of a specific token of the target user since last deposit.
  • getBorrowPrincipal(token: Token, target: string): Get the borrow principal of a specific token of the target user since last borrow.
  • getLastDepositBlock(token: Token, target: string): Get the last deposit block of the target user.
  • getLastBorrowBlock(token: Token, target: string): Get the last borrow block of the target user.
  • getDepositInterest(token: Token, target: string): Get the deposit interest since last deposit block to now.
  • getBorrowInterest(token: Token, target: string): Get the borrow interest since last deposit block to now.
  • getDepositBalanceCurrent(token: Token, target: string): Get the total deposit balance(interests + principal) of a target user.
  • getBorrowBalanceCurrent(token: Token, target: string): Get the total borrow balance(interests + principal) of a target user.
  • getBorrowPower(target: string): Get the borrow power of a target user. This means how much value of asset that one account can borrow given its deposits value. The returned value's unit is ETH wei.
  • getBorrowETH(target: string): Get the total borrowed asset value of the target account in ETH wei.
  • getDepositETH(target: string): Get the total deposited asset value of the target account in ETH wei.
  • isAccountLiquidatable(target: string): Check the liquidatable status of an account.
  • getTotalDepositStore(token: Token): Get the total deposit amount of a specific token in DeFiner.
  • getBorrowRatePerBlock(token: Token): Get the current borrow rate per block.
  • getDepositRatePerBlock(token: Token): Get the current deposit rate per block.
  • getCapitalUtilizationRatio(token: Token): Get the current utilization ratio of DeFiner.
  • getCapitalCompoundRatio(token: Token): Get the current Compound ratio of DeFiner.
  • getPoolAmount(token: Token): Get the total amount of a specific token that is still in DeFiner.