1.0.0 • Published 5 years ago

demo-lbeckman314 v1.0.0

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Last release
5 years ago


A fake terminal cleans up user input and sends it to the server. The server then parses the input, and if it matches a predefined command, spawns a child process of that command/program. I really liked the ability to try out haskell interactively here and here, so this is something like that.

Try it out here.

installation and running

# install dependencies
npm install

# copy example config
cp config-example.js config.js

# edit key, certificate, and passphrase information
nano config.js

# run server (if no port number is provided, 12345 in this example, the server will default to port 8181)
node server.js 12345

# edit server information
nano demo.js

# then you can connect to the server from a client (e.g. client-example.html) 


# remove this directory
rm -rfI demo