1.0.3 • Published 7 years ago

dependency-injection.ts v1.0.3

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7 years ago


dependency-injection.ts is a dependency injection library for Node.js and Javascript environments where TypeScript is supported.

Dependency injection is a software design pattern that implements inversion of control for resolving dependencies. A dependency is an object that can be used (a service). An injection is the passing of a dependency to a dependent object (a client) that would use it.


$ npm install --save dependency-injection.ts


dependency-injection.ts requires a TypeScript environment with classes and decorators.


To get use of lib please include "experimentalDecorators": true and "emitDecoratorMetadata": true in tsconfig.json file

Getting Started

For resolving dependencies of classes you will need to use @inject decorator and container class to resolve instance

import {container,inject,singleton} from 'dependency-injection.ts';

class SameClass {}

class App {

    public config:SameClass;


Service Classes

abstract class MessageService {

    abstract sendMessage(msg:string);
import {singleton} from 'dependency-injection.ts';

class EmailService extends MessageService {
    public sendMessage(msg:string){
        console.info("Email Message sent from EmailService");

EmailService is one of the implementations of MessageService. Notice that class is annotated with @singleton annotation. Since service objects will be created through injector classes, this annotation is provided to let them know that the service classes are singleton objects.

We have another service implementation to send facebook messages.

import {inject} from 'dependency-injection.ts';

class FacebookService extends MessageService {
    public sendMessage(msg:string){
        console.info("Message sent to Facebook user from FacebookService");

Consumer Class

import {inject} from 'dependency-injection.ts';
import MessageService from './MessageService';

class MyApplication {

    private service:MessageService;
        console.info("will be injected",this.service);


import {container} from 'dependency-injection.ts';

//bind the service to implementation class

//or bind MessageService to Facebook Message implementation 

//make a singleton with option {singleton:true}

Resolve instance

You can get injected class instance by calling getInstanceOf() method.

var instance = container.getInstanceOf(MyApplication);
import {container,inject} from 'dependency-injection.ts';

class Config {
    get(){ return {/** .. **/}}

class Service {

    public config:Config;

class App{
    public service:Service;

var service = container.getInstanceOf(Service);

Inject with constructor.

import {container,inject} from 'dependency-injection.ts';
import {MyDependency1} from './my-dependency1';
import {MyDependency2} from './my-dependency2';

class MyApplication {
    constructor(myDependency1,myDependency2) {
        this.myDependency1 = myDependency1;
        this.myDependency2 = myDependency2;

Dependencies of a class are injected through the constructor.