3.1.1 • Published 6 months ago

deps-qmlui-raub v3.1.1

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6 months ago

QmlUi binaries

This is a part of Node3D project.

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OpenGL QML offscreen renderer with non-Qt C++ API. Contains a Qt .pro file and all the sources. Binaries are prebuilt and then used as dependency package.

  • Platforms (x64): Windows, Linux, OSX.
  • Libraries: QmlUi.
  • Linking: static dll-type.

Before any import of Qt-dependent module, there should be require('deps-qmlui-raub'). On Windows it adds Qt's DLL location to ENV PATH. On Unix, special runtime library directories are not in ENV PATH. The paths to such directories have to be compiled into the node-addon with rpath option.

  'variables': {
    'qt_core_bin': '<!(node -p "require(\'deps-qmlui-raub\').core.bin")',
    'qt_gui_bin': '<!(node -p "require(\'deps-qmlui-raub\').gui.bin")',
    'qt_qml_bin': '<!(node -p "require(\'deps-qmlui-raub\').qml.bin")',
    'qmlui_include': '<!(node -p "require(\'deps-qmlui-raub\').include")',
    'qmlui_bin': '<!(node -p "require(\'deps-qmlui-raub\').bin")',
  'targets': [
      'target_name': '...',
      'include_dirs': [
      'library_dirs': [ '<(qmlui_bin)' ],
      'libraries'    : [ '-lqmlui' ],
      'conditions': [
        ['OS=="linux"', {
          'libraries': [
        ['OS=="mac"', {
          'libraries': [
        ['OS=="win"', {
          'libraries'     : [ '-lqmlui' ],
#ifdef __linux__
	#include <dlfcn.h>

	// ... inside some kind of init() function
	#ifdef __linux__
	dlopen("libicui18n.so.56", RTLD_LAZY);
	dlopen("libicuuc.so.56", RTLD_LAZY);
	dlopen("libicudata.so.56", RTLD_LAZY);
	dlopen("libicuio.so.56", RTLD_LAZY);
	dlopen("libicule.so.56", RTLD_LAZY);
	dlopen("libicutu.so.56", RTLD_LAZY);
	dlopen("libQt5Core.so.5", RTLD_LAZY);
	dlopen("libQt5Network.so.5", RTLD_LAZY);
	dlopen("libQt5DBus.so.5", RTLD_LAZY);
	dlopen("libQt5Gui.so.5", RTLD_LAZY);
	dlopen("libQt5OpenGL.so.5", RTLD_LAZY);
	dlopen("libQt5Widgets.so.5", RTLD_LAZY);
	dlopen("libQt5XcbQpa.so.5", RTLD_LAZY);
	dlopen("libQt5Qml.so.5", RTLD_LAZY);
	dlopen("libQt5Quick.so.5", RTLD_LAZY);
	dlopen("libQt5QuickControls2.so.5", RTLD_LAZY);
	dlopen("libQt5QuickTemplates2.so.5", RTLD_LAZY);
	dlopen("libQt5QuickWidgets.so.5", RTLD_LAZY);

StaticQmlUi::init(const char *cwdOwn, size_t wnd, size_t ctx, QmlUi::Cb cb) must be called before any other method. Then instances of QmlUi can be created and operated on. Each such an instance represents a hidden QWindow being rendered to texture.

Class QmlUi

QmlUi is a facade class for all operations. Instances represent separate QML scenes, each having a dedicated OpenGL framebuffer.


  • QmlUi(w, h) int w - initial width. int h - initial height.

Static Methods:

  • void init(cwdOwn, wnd, ctx, cb)
    	Initialize the renderer. Should be called once, before any instance is created.
    	Extra calls are ignored.
    	* `const char *cwdOwn` - "current working directory" for QML.
    	* `size_t wnd` - platform window handle.
    	* `size_t ctx` - platform OpenGL context handle.
    	* `QmlUi::Cb cb` - callback for all events.
    	`QmlUi::Cb` = `void (*) (QmlUi *target, const char *type, const char *json)`.
    	This callback will later receive all the asynchronous events, for all the instances.
  • void plugins(path)
    	Add more directories for `QmlEngine` to look for plugins.
    	* `const char *path` - directory path.
  • void update()
    	Poll window events. Required for async operations, including signal/slot interaction.
    	If this method is not called at all, the QML scene won't ever load. It is preferred
    	to call it regularly.
    	> NOTE: It is at this point, that the QML render may happen, causing GL context
    	switch. Make sure to return your original GL context (if any), after calling this.
  • void style(name, fallback)
    	Set the QML [style](https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qquickstyle.html#setStyle).
    	Optionally set a fallback style.
    	* `const char *name` - the name of the style to be [used](https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qtquickcontrols2-styles.html#using-styles-in-qt-quick-controls).
    	* `const char *fallback` - the name of the fallback style, or `nullptr`.


  • void resize(w, h)
    	Change the scene size. It induces async recreation of the framebuffer.
    	* `int w` - new width.
    	* `int h` - new height.
  • void mouse(type, button, buttons, x, y)
    	Propagate a mouse event to the QML scene. If the event can't be handled
    	by the scene, it gets re-emitted through the callback, named '\_mouse'.
    	Re-emitted format is
    	[web MouseEvent](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/MouseEvent).
    	* `int type` - event type:
    		* `MouseMove` = 0
    		* `MouseButtonPress` = 1
    		* `MouseButtonRelease` = 2
    	* `int button` - button id:
    		* `LeftButton` = 1
    		* `RightButton` = 2
    		* `MiddleButton` = 4
    	* `int buttons` - currently pressed buttons, in bitwise "or".
    	* `int x` - horizontal mouse position.
    	* `int y` - vertical mouse position.
  • void keyboard(type, key, text)
    	Propagate a keyboard event to the QML scene. If the event can't be handled
    	by the scene, it gets re-emitted through the callback, named '\_key'.
    	Re-emitted format is
    	[web KeyboardEvent](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/KeyboardEvent).
    	* `int type` - event type:
    		* `KeyRelease` = 0
    		* `KeyPress` = 1
    	* `int key` - key id.
    	* `char text` - input text.
  • void load(str, isFile)
    	Set content of the QML scene with a file or a string.
    	* `const char *str` - if `isFile == true`, `str` is taken as a path to the
    	**.qml** file to be loaded. Otherwise, `str` itself is interpreted as QML
    	* `bool isFile` - tells if `src` is a path to **.qml** file.
    	This operation is asynchronous. An event of type `'_qml_load'` will be emited, when
    	loading a QML scene is finished. Until then, QML methods and properties will
    	return `[null]` JSON.
  • std::string get(obj, prop)
    	Get a property of some object in the QML scene.
    	* `const char *obj` - name of the object, as in `Item { objectName: "my-name" }`.
    	* `const char *prop` - property key, as in `Item { property var someProp: 10 }`.
    	The property will be returned as a string containing a JSON array. The only
    	element in this array is the value of the property. If anything went wrong
    	the JSON will be `[null]`.
    	Example: `Item { objectName: "my-name", property var x: 10 }`, to get `x`,
    	call `std:string json = ui.get("my-name", "x"); // "[10]"`.
    	> NOTE: properties can't be fetched (returns `[null]` JSON)
    	until `'_qml_load'` event is fired.
  • void set(obj, prop, json)
    	Set a property of some object in the QML scene.
    	* `const char *obj` - name of the object, as in `Item { objectName: "my-name" }`.
    	* `const char *prop` - property key, as in `Item { property var someProp: 10 }`.
    	* `const char *json` - the value to be set. Must be a JSON array, i.e. enclosed in "[]".
    	Example: `Item { objectName: "my-name", property var x: 10 }`, to make `x`
    	become `11`, call `ui.set("my-name", "x", "[11]")`.
    	> NOTE: properties can't be set (does nothing) until `'_qml_load'` event is fired.
  • std::string invoke(obj, method, json)
    	Invoke a method of some object in the QML scene.
    	* `const char *obj` - name of the object, as in `Item { objectName: "my-name" }`.
    	* `const char *method` - method key, as in `Item { function f() { return 10; } }`.
    	* `const char *json` - arguments to be passed. Must be a JSON array, up to 10 elements.
    	The result will be returned as a string containing a JSON array. The only
    	element in this array is the return value of the function. If anything went wrong
    	the JSON will be `[null]`.
    	Example: `Item { objectName: "my-name", function f() { return 10; } }`, to call `f`,
    	call `std:string json = ui.invoke("my-name", "f", "[]"); // "[10]"`.
    	> NOTE: `invoke()` will look for a function receiving the same number of arguments
    	you pass within the JSON array. So these must match, otherwise the call will fail.
    	> NOTE: methods can't be invoked (returns `[null]` JSON, does nothing)
    	until `'_qml_load'` event is fired.
  • void libs(path)
    	Register a directory where additional QML search should be performed when
    	importing a component. Better do it before the `load()`
    	* `const char *path` - the directory path.