3.0.0 • Published 9 years ago
derby-render v3.0.0
Derby Render
Provides a render function for Derby JS apps that returns html for a given namespace, behaving more or less like app.page.render(namespace)
Version 2.0
The following changes were made because of changes in derby:
- Html is now returned asynchronously via a callback function.
- Context data is no longer supported. You must pass model data with a collection and document Id.
- global and view properties are renamed to data and ns respectively, to reduce confusion.
$ npm install derby-render --save
var derby = require('derby');
var app = derby.createApp('app', __filename);
var render = require('derby-render')(app);
app.proto.foo = ...;
app.proto.bar = ...;
// output the html loaded by "app.page.render()"
render(function (err, html) {
// specify a namespace
render('about', function () {
// pass in model data
var data = {_page: {year: 2015}};
render(data, function (err, html) {
// or specify a namespace and data
render('about', data, function (err, html) {
You can configure the render function by passing in an options object in addition to the app:
data – Global model data applied to each render call.
ns – Default namespace for each render call. Defaults to 'Page'