0.0.10 • Published 7 years ago
deriveur v0.0.10
#Geolocalised audio mixing
npm i
Depends on sono audio library. Have sono loaded on the window
let _deriveur = new Dervieur(layerData, locationData, controlOptions
Reads assets from this:
"path": "../www-assets/tour/loc0/speaking/Cecile01_sleep_water_air.mp3",
Basically buckets of sound broken into layers:
Folder structure
Lat/Lng coordinates for the geolocation to read from.
`{ noVisualMap: true, noGeo: false, mapUpdateSpeed: 3500, filterOnlyAudioFormats: 'mp3', //Detector.IS_IOS ? 'mp3' : 'ogg', assetsUrl: REMOTE_ASSETS_DIR }
is expecting https://storage.googleapis.com/samrad-alhambra/www-assets/