1.0.0 • Published 3 years ago

descord v1.0.0

Weekly downloads
Last release
3 years ago


📥 Installation

npm install -g descord

📌 What is Descord ??

Descord is an npm package to help you generate discord bot project via CLI(Command-line Interface)

📌 Should I use Descord ?

Do you often to create new Discord.js bot project ?? if you do it often this package is recomended for your job, Why ??, because you can generate new Discord.js bot project quickly without copy and paste your old project to your new project or without import github repository into your project.

🔎 Features

What are the features available on Descord Package?

Descord doesn't have very many features, but it can really help your job quickly. There are:

  • Generate Advanced/Basic ( includes event, permission, cooldown handler ) command handler quickly
  • Generate Complete setup of Discord.js bot project ( same as generate advanced command handler )
  • Create a command quickly
  • Create a event file quickly

🔧 How to use ??


If you want to generate Discord.js bot manually, You can just type descord generate in terminal and you can choose the option you want


Create Handler

descord createHandler [options]

    -h, --handler [type of handler]   (required)
    -t, --token   [bot token]         (required)
    -p, --prefix  [bot prefix]          (required)
    -l, --logs    [channel id will you set as logs command]    (required)

Create Command

descord createCommand [options]

    -n, --name [name of the command]  (required)
    -d, --description [description of the command]
    -u, --usage [command usage description]
    -a, --aliasses [aliases of the command, split with (,), ex: ping,beep,boop]
    -p, --premissions [list of command permissions, split(,), ex: ADMINISTRATOR,MANAGE_CHANNELS]
    -c, --cooldown [cooldown of the command]
    -f, --category [command category]  (required)

Complete Setup

descord completeSetup [options]

    -t, --token   [bot token]         (required)
    -p, --prefix  [bot prefix]          (required)
    -l, --logs    [channel id will you set as logs command]    (required)

Create Event

descord createEvent [options]

    -n, --name [name of the events]   (required)

📘 Note

If you found some bug, please report in our github issues https://github.com/SadesXD/descord/issues or in our discord server https://discord.gg/8rUvTYhFqK