detect-package-changes v0.0.1
TLDR: run npx detect-package-changes install
in the root folder of the project
Requires npm, git and a bash-compatible shell, including WSL.
Checks if your package-lock.json
dependencies versions match the actual files in you node_module
folder after you checkout or pull (merge) branches.
For performance reasons only top-level dependencies in package.json
are checked. Versions between package.json
and package-lock.json
files are also not checked as npm install
should take care of this consistency.
Run npx detect-package-changes install
in the root folder of the project. To remove, run npx detect-package-changes uninstall
After installation you should get a warning message when checking out branches and a version mismatch is detected. This package does not update or modify any project-related files. Note, however, that this project does modify git hooks.
CLI reference
npx detect-package-changes <command> <args>
install (default): insert the checks into git hooks
uninstall: remove the inserted checks from git hooks
check: manually run the check (you probably don't need to use this)
help: see this message
--verbose: enables debug messages that might help in error investigations
--hooks=<comma-separated list of git hooks>: add the checks to these specific hooks. Default is --hooks=post-checkout,post-merge,post-rebase
--folder=<folder>: the root folder of the project to add the checks to (this is generally auto-detected correctly but you may override it here)
- Make it compatible with monorepos
4 years ago