dev-portfolio v2.1.5
dev-portfolio is React library that helps you develop your web portfolio easily and quickly.
- Installation
- Usage
- Components
- Example
- Guidelines to input icons
- Licence
- Contributor
Install only dev-portfolio library.
npm i dev-portfolio --save
Install boiler-plate code by using
If you want to see of boiler-plate, go to the create-dev-portfolio.npx create-dev-portfolio <YOUR_APP_NAME>
import { Header, Intro, Contact, ... } from 'dev-portfolio';
const App = () => {
return (
// The 'className' in the <div> tag surrounding the components of 'dev-portfolio' must be 'App'.
// Only then can the SideBar in the <Header> component recognize id props and automatically assign all components into the SideBar.
<div className="App">
<Header />
<Intro />
<Contact />
export default App;
- Header
- Channel
- Channels
- Intro
- Skill
- TechStackList
- Experience
- Carousel
- Gallery
- Masonry
- Image
- Item
- Card
- Contact
- VisitorCounter
- VisitorComment
- ProgressBar
import { Header } from 'dev-portfolio';
const logoOption = { ... };
const channels = [ ... ];
const sideBarOption = { ... };
const App = () => {
return (
export default App;
props | type | description | default | note |
headerHeight | string | Header height style | '80px' | |
headerWidth | string | Header width style | '100%' | |
headerBackgroundColor | string | Header background color style | 'white' | |
logoOption | LogoOptionPropsType | You can customize the attrs such as logo and title by using logoOption props. | See "More about Header's Props" | |
channels | ChannelType[] | Enter the props of the channel components as an array of objects. Enter channel to express yourself, such as personal blog, linked-in, etc. | See "More about Header's Props" | |
sideBarOption | SideBarOptionPropsType | You can customize the attrs such as title and icon, item in sidebar by using sideBarOption props. | See "More about Header's Props" |
More about Header's props
logoOption example
const logoOption = {
redirectUrl: '/',
logoImg: 'logo.png',
logoHidden: false,
title: 'dev-portfolio',
logoMargin: '0px 16px 0px 16px',
logoWidth: '50px',
logoHeight: '50px',
titleColor: 'black',
titleSize: '24px',
titleWeight: '800',
channels example
For an example of channels, see: channels example
sideBarOption example
Way to change the sidebar icon, use iconName props.
Refer to the guidelines.
const sideBarOption = {
mainTitle: 'dev-portfolio',
mainTitleSize: '24px',
mainTitleColor: 'white',
mainTitleAlign: 'left',
mainTitleBorderColor: 'white',
iconName: 'ant-design:menu-fold-outlined', //Refer to the guidelines.
iconSize: '28px',
iconColor: '#434521',
iconMargin: '0px 12px 0px 12px',
itemTextColor: 'white',
itemTextAlign: 'left',
itemBackgroundColor: '#434521',
itemHoverdBackgroundColor: 'black',
backgroundColor: '#434521',
import { Channel } from 'dev-portfolio';
const App = () => {
return (
margin="0px 6px"
export default App;
props | type | description | default | note |
redirectUrl | string | URL you want to redirect when clicked | '/' | |
name | string | Channel name | 'github' | |
color | string | Channel icon color style | 'black' | |
size | string | Channel icon size style | '24px' | |
margin | string | Channel margin style | '0px 6px' | |
padding | string | Channel padding style | '0px' |
import { Channels } from 'dev-portfolio';
const channels = [ ... ];
const App = () => {
return (
export default App;
props | type | description | default | note |
channels | ChannelType[] | Channel-only props such as Github and LinkedIn, etc | See "More about Channels's Props" |
More about Channels Props
channels example
const channels = [
redirectUrl: '/',
name: 'github',
color: 'black',
size: '24px',
margin: '0px 6px',
padding: '0px',
redirectUrl: '/',
name: 'youtube',
color: '#e03b35',
size: '24px',
margin: '0px 6px',
padding: '0px',
redirectUrl: '/',
name: 'linkedin',
color: '#1295cd',
size: '24px',
margin: '0px 6px',
padding: '0px',
import { Intro } from 'dev-portfolio';
const introOption = [ ... ];
const App = () => {
return (
id="Intro Component"
shortIntro="Hello I am a developer enjoys growing up!"
description="My name is OOO, BE developer good at Nodejs bla bla..."
export default App;
props | type | description | default | note |
id | string | Name to be added to Sidebar | See Guideline to add icon | |
textAlign | string | Intro text align style. You can choose one of the themes such as 'left' and 'center' . | 'left' | |
backgroundColor | string | Intro background color style. | 'whitesmoke' | |
title | string | Title of Intro section. | 'Intro' | |
shortIntro | string | Main text that can express you the best. | 'shortIntro that will captivate people' | |
description | string | Introduce yourself | 'This props name is description.\nPlease write down your brief introduction here. If you want to change the line, type backslash-n between the letters. Also you want to move the letters to the center, change textAlign to center. code your dreams!' | |
titleColor | string | Title text color style. | 'black' | |
shortIntroColor | string | ShortIntro text color style. | 'black' | |
descriptionColor | string | Description text color style. | 'black' | |
descriptionBackgroundColor | string | Description background color style. | 'white' |
import { Skill } from 'dev-portfolio';
const App = () => {
return (
export default App;
props | type | description | default | note |
title | string | Main text that expresses the skill | 'javascript' | |
titleSize | string | Title size style | '24px' | |
isHiddenTitle | boolean | If this value is set to True, you can hide the title. | false | |
iconName | string | Enter the name of the icon you searched on the following site. | 'ion:logo-javascript' | See Guideline to add icon |
iconSize | string | Icon size style | '40px' | |
iconColor | string | Icon color style | '#F0DB4F' | |
margin | string | Skill margin style | '0px' | |
padding | string | Skill padding style | '0px' | |
titleColor | string | Title color style | 'black' | |
borderColor | string | Skill border color style | 'white' | |
backgroundColor | string | Skill background color style | 'white' | |
borderRadius | string | Skill border-radius style | '12px' |
import { TechStackList } from 'dev-portfolio';
const techStackList = [ ... ];
const App = () => {
return (
id="Tech Stack Component"
gap="normal" // 'narrower' | 'narrow' | 'normal' | 'wide' | 'wider'
export default App;
props | type | description | default | note |
id | string | Name to be added to Sidebar | See Guideline to add icon | |
gap | TechStackGapType | Spacing between TechStacks in TechStackList | 'normal' | |
techStackList | TechStackPropsType[] | Array of TechStacks | See "More about techStackList" |
More about TechStackList's props
techStackList example
const techStackList = [
nameOption: { name: 'Javascript', nameTextColor: 'black', logoName: 'Javascript', fontSize: '18px', logoSize: '24px' },
progressBarOption: {
rateText: '45%',
rateTextColor: 'black',
isHiddenRateText: false,
backgroundColor: 'black',
colorTo: '#E2D784',
colorFrom: 'whitesmoke',
width: '100%',
height: '40px',
animationType: 'fill-up-wave',
isBlinking: true,
nameOption: { name: 'HTML5', nameTextColor: 'black', logoName: 'HTML-5', fontSize: '18px', logoSize: '24px' },
progressBarOption: {
rateText: '30%',
rateTextColor: 'black',
isHiddenRateText: false,
backgroundColor: 'black',
colorTo: '#E34F26',
colorFrom: 'whitesmoke',
width: '100%',
height: '40px',
animationType: 'fill-up-wave',
isBlinking: true,
nameOption: { name: 'Nodejs', nameTextColor: 'black', logoName: 'Nodejs', fontSize: '18px', logoSize: '24px' },
progressBarOption: {
rateText: '85%',
rateTextColor: 'black',
isHiddenRateText: false,
backgroundColor: 'black',
colorTo: '#339933',
colorFrom: 'whitesmoke',
width: '100%',
height: '40px',
animationType: 'fill-up-wave',
isBlinking: true,
gap example
// 'narrower' | 'narrow' | 'normal' | 'wide' | 'wider';
const gap = 'normal';
import { Experience } from 'dev-portfolio';
const historyList = [ ... ];
const App = () => {
return (
id="Experience Component"
title="Experience Title"
theme="vertical" // 'basic' | 'box' | 'vertical'
shape="square" // 'square' | 'round-square'
export default App;
props | type | description | default | note |
id | string | Name to be added to Sidebar | See Guideline to add icon | |
title | string | Main title text of Experience Component | 'Experience' | |
textAlign | string | Experience Text align | 'left' | |
theme | ExperienceThemeType | You can decorate your experience with a variety of theme such as 'basic', 'box', 'vertical'. | 'basic' | |
shape | ExperienceVerticalOptionType | Shape of card specially used in 'vertical' theme such as 'square', 'round-square'. | 'square' | |
headerTitleColor | string | Color of title in Experience component | 'black' | |
historyTitleColor | string | Color of title at historyList | 'black' | |
dateColor | string | Color of date in history List | 'black' | |
descriptionColor | string | Color of description in history List | 'black' | |
historyList | ExperienceHistoryListType[] | You can add your history data such as date, title, description, etc. | See "More about Experience's Props" |
More about Experience's props
historyList example
const historyList = [
startDate: '2022.01.01',
endDate: '2022.03.10',
title: 'this is title',
description: 'This prop name is des.\nWrite down the additional explanation you want here.\nYou can break the line to backslash-n.',
startDate: '2020.02',
title: 'this is title',
description: `If you just want to write the date and time without the text,\ndon't worry !\nYou can write a des props just by emptying it.\nAn example is shown below.`,
startDate: '2018',
endDate: '2019.12',
title: 'this is title',
import { Carousel, Image } from 'dev-portfolio';
const App = () => {
return (
id="Carousel Component"
transition={1000} // ms
autoplaySpeed={3000} // ms
arrowLocation="mid-side" // 'bottom' | 'mid-side' | 'top' | 'bottom-side' | 'top-side'
playerLocation="bottom-mid" // 'bottom-mid' | 'bottom-left' | 'bottom-right' | 'top-mid' | 'top-left' | 'top-right'
prevArrowIcon={<YOUR_COMPONENT />} // ReactElement
nextArrowIcon={<YOUR_COMPONENT />} // ReactElement
startAutoplayIcon={<YOUR_COMPONENT />} // ReactElement
pauseAutoplayIcon={<YOUR_COMPONENT />} // ReactElement
// Must insert components customized
<Image src="anything.png" /> // Component of dev-portfolio ...
export default App;
props | type | description | default | note |
id | string | Name to be added to Sidebar | See Guideline to add icon | |
width | string | Carousel width | '100%' | |
transition | number | Transition animation speed | 1000 | Unit : ms |
autoplaySpeed | number | Time to stay in a item | 3000 | Unit : ms |
slideToShow | number | Number of item to show at once | 1 | |
isArrowShow | boolean | Flag for whether to show buttons | true | |
isAutoplay | boolean | Flag for play carousel automatically | false | |
isAutoplayControl | boolean | Flag for whether to show carousel player | true | |
arrowPosition | ArrowLocationType | Position of arrow icon | 'mid-side' | |
playerLocation | PlayerLocationType | Position of Play icon | 'bottom-mid' | |
prevArrowIcon | ReactElement | Icon Component for moving into previous item | <FiChevronLeft /> | |
nextArrowIcon | ReactElement | Icon Component for moving into next item | <FiChevronRight /> | |
startAutoplayIcon | ReactElement | Icon Component for starting autoplay | <TbPlayerPlay /> | |
pauseAutoplayIcon | ReactElement | Icon Component for pause autoplay | <TbPlayerPause /> |
import { Gallery, Item } from 'dev-portfolio';
const App = () => {
return (
id="Gallery Component"
gap="normal" // 'wider' | 'wide' | 'normal' | 'narrow' | 'narrower'
theme="mid-night" // 'mid-night' | 'blossom' | 'fruits' | 'bare-bare' | 'mint-chocolate'
padding="2em 10em"
// Must insert components customized
<Item /> // Component of dev-portfolio ...
export default App;
props | type | description | default | note |
id | string | Name to be added to Sidebar | See Guideline to add icon | |
column | number | Number of vertical lines | 3 | |
gap | GalleryGapType | Spacing between items in Gallery | 'normal' | |
theme | GalleryThemeType | You can choose the color of your customized components in Gallery when they are hoverd with a variety of theme such as 'mid-night', 'blossom', 'fruits', 'bare-bare', 'mint-chocolate'. | 'mid-night' | |
padding | string | Gallery padding | '2em 10em' |
import { Masonry, Image } from 'dev-portfolio';
const App = () => {
return (
<Masonry id="Masonry Component" column={4} padding="2em 4em">
/* Must insert components customized */
<Image src="anything.png" redirectURL="/" />
/* Component of dev-portfolio */
<Image src="" redirectURL="/" />
/* Component of dev-portfolio */
export default App;
props | type | description | default | note |
id | string | Name to be added to Sidebar | See Guideline to add icon | |
column | number | Number of vertical lines | 4 | |
padding | string | Masonry padding | '2em 4em' |
import { Image } from 'dev-portfolio';
const App = () => {
return (
head="Write your head"
subhead="Write your subhead"
export default App;
props | type | description | default | note |
src | string | Image source url | ||
head | string | Main Title Text | 'Write your head' | |
headSize | string | Head text size style | '20px' | |
headColor | string | Head color style | 'black' | |
headWeight | string | Head font weight style | '700' | |
subhead | string | Sub Title Text | 'Write your subhead' | |
subheadSize | string | Subhead text size style | '14px' | |
subheadColor | string | Subhead text color style | 'black' | |
redirectURL | string | URL to redirect | '/' | |
noShowHead | boolean | Flag for whether to hide texts | false | |
zoomWhenHover | boolean | Flag for whether to zoom image when hovered on item | false |
import { Item } from 'dev-portfolio';
const App = () => {
return (
title="This is title"
export default App;
props | type | description | default | note |
src | string | Image source url | '' | |
title | string | Main Title Text | 'This is title' | |
description | string | Description Text | 'description' | |
redirectURL | string | URL to redirect | '/' | |
textRisingSpeed | number | 300 | ||
isTextRising | boolean | false | ||
descriptionColor | string | Description text color style | 'white' | |
hoverdInnerBorderColor | string | Inner border color of item when hoverd | 'white' |
import { Card } from 'dev-portfolio';
const App = () => {
return (
shape="square" // 'square' | 'round-square' | 'round'
hover="none" // 'up' | 'down' | 'zoom'
export default App;
props | type | description | default | note |
width | string | Card width | '10em' | |
height | string | Card height | '10em' | |
redirectURL | string | URL to redirect | '/' | |
shape | CardShapeType | You can decorate shape of Card a variety of theme such as 'square', 'round-square', 'round'. | 'square' | |
hover | CardHoverType | You can make an effect on Card a variety of theme such as 'up', 'down', 'zoom'. | 'none' |
import { Contact } from 'dev-portfolio';
const channels = [ ... ];
const aboutMeInfos = [ ... ];
const App = () => {
return (
id="Contact Component"
title="Hello My name is OOO"
subTitle="If you're interested in me, please press the button below :D"
buttonText="Want to work with me?"
export default App;
props | type | description | default | note |
id | string | Name to be added to Sidebar | See Guideline to add icon | |
backgroundColor | string | Contact Background Color | 'whitesmoke' | |
title | string | Main title text of your contacts | 'Hello, my name is DEV_PORTFOLIO' | |
titleColor | string | Title color style | 'black' | |
subTitle | string | Sub title text | 'If you're interested in me, please press the button below :D' | |
subTitleColor | string | Sub title text color style | 'black' | |
email | string | Your Email | '' | |
buttonText | string | Text of button that function as a link to your email | 'Want to work with me?' | |
buttonTextColor | string | Button text color style | 'white' | |
buttonBorderColor | string | Button border color style | 'black' | |
channels | ChannelType[] | Channel-only props such as Github and LinkedIn, etc | See "More about Contact's Props" | |
aboutMeInfos | AboutMeInfoPropsType[] | Your personal information like TEL, Home etc | See "More about Contact's Props" |
More about Contact's props
channels example
const channels = [
{ name: 'github', redirectUrl: 'https://', color: '#181717BB', size: '24px' },
{ name: 'naver', redirectUrl: 'https://', color: '#47A141BB', size: '24px' },
{ name: 'facebook', redirectUrl: 'https://', color: '#1877F2BB', size: '24px' },
{ name: 'youtube', redirectUrl: 'https://', color: '#FF0000BB', size: '24px' },
aboutMeInfos example
const aboutMeInfos = [
title: 'Where I live',
description: 'Gangdong-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea',
title: 'Give me a call',
description: 'T. +82 (0)10 1234 5678',
title: 'Or, why don’t you email me?',
description: '',
import { VisitorCounter } from 'dev-portfolio';
const App = () => {
return (
theme="big-size" // 'default' | 'big-size' | 'simple'
todayVisitor={0} // Your fetched variable
totalVisitor={123} // Your fetched variable
size="14px" // include: px
export default App;
props | type | description | default | note | |
title | string | Hit title used in 'default' and 'big-size' | 'hits' | ||
theme | VisitorCounterThemeType | Visitor Counter theme: 'default', 'big-size', 'simple' | 'default' | ||
todayVisitor | number | Number of today's visitors | 0 | fetched variable | |
totalVisitor | number | Number of total's visitors | 123 | fetched variable | |
todayTitle | string | Title of today visit count used in 'big-size' and 'simple' | 'today' | ||
totalTitle | string | Title of total visit count used in 'big-size' and 'simple' | 'total' | ||
backgroundColor | string | Background color of todayTitle | '#91c230c4' | ||
todayVisitorColor | string | Today visitor color style | 'red' | ||
totalVisitorColor | string | Total visitor color style | 'red' | ||
todayTitleColor | string | Today title color style | 'black' | ||
totalTitleColor | string | Total title color style | 'black' | ||
size | string | Font size and component size in the visitor counter component | '14px' | Make sure to include 'px' |
More about VisitorCounter's props
theme example
// 'default' | 'big-size' | 'simple'
const theme = 'default';
VisitorCounter example
const visitorCounter = {
title: 'hits',
todayTitle: 'today',
totalTitle: 'total',
import { VisitorComment } from 'dev-portfolio';
const commentList = [ ... ];
const App = () => {
return (
id="VisitorComment Component"
theme="basic" // 'basic' | 'box' | 'vertical'
descriptionPlaceholder='write your description...'
commentList={commentList} // Your fetched variable
comment='this portfolio is very nice' // Data you entered in comment-input
nickname='dev-portfolio' // Data you entered in comment-input
password='1234' // Data you entered in comment-input
handleCreateComment={handleCreateComment} // Event handling variable
handleChangeDescription={handleChangeDescription} // Event handling variable
handleChangeNickname={handleChangeNickname} // Event handling variable
handleChangePassword={handleChangePassword} // Event handling variable
export default App;
props | type | description | default | note |
id | string | Name to be added to Sidebar | See Guideline to add icon | |
theme | VisitorCommentThemeType | Visitor Comment theme: 'basic', 'box', 'vertical' | 'basic' | |
backgroundColor | string | VisitorComment background-color | 'whitesmoke' | |
inputBackgroundColor | string | Background color of guest book preparation column | 'White' | |
inputFontColor | string | Font Color in input box when create comment, user infomation | 'Black' | |
inputPlacehoderColor | string | Placehoder font Color in input comment, user infomation boxes | 'Black' | |
userInputLineColor | string | Underline color in the User Information field | '#b4b4b4a2' | |
buttonColor | string | Font color of send button | '#1877f' | |
listBackgroundColor | string | Background color of comment list | 'white' | |
listCommentColor | string | Color of comment in comment list | 'black' | |
listNicknameColor | string | Color of nickname in comment list | '#959595' | |
listDateColor | string | Color of date in comment list | '#959595' | |
progressbarColor | string | The color of the progress bar that is generated when a scroll event occurs | '#5f5f5f' | |
isShowScrollDownIcon | boolean | Whether to display icons that are generated when a scroll event occurs | true | |
scrollDownIconColor | string | Color in ScrollDown Icon | 'black' | Only works when isShowScrollDownIcon is true |
descriptionPlaceholder | string | Placeholder of description area | 'write your description...' | |
nicknamePlaceholder | string | Placeholder of nickname area | 'ID' | |
passwordPlaceholder | string | Placeholder of password area | 'PW' | |
commentList | VisitorCommentListType | List of Comment such as description, nickname, date | See "More about VisitorComment's Props" | fetched variable |
comment | string | Please put the data you entered in the comment-input into this props. This will sends an http request to the server and be stored in the DB | 'this portfolio is very nice' | Data you entered in comment-input |
nickname | string | Please put the data you entered in the nickname-input into this props. This will sends an http request to the server and be stored in the DB | 'dev-portfolio' | Data you entered in nickname-input |
password | string | Please put the data you entered in the password-input into this props. This will sends an http request to the server and be stored in the DB | '1234' | Data you entered in password-input |
handleCreateComment | (e?: React.MouseEvent) => void | Comments Props for event handling | ||
handleChangeDescription | (e?: React.ChangeEvent) => void | Description Props for event handling | ||
handleChangeNickname | (e?: React.ChangeEvent) => void | Nickname Props for event handling | ||
handleChangePassword | (e?: React.ChangeEvent) => void | Password Props for event handling |
More about VisitorComment's props
commentList example
List of Comment such as description, nickname, date.
This props is fetched datas from the backend.
const commentList: [
description: `The scroll customization method is the same as the teckstack component progress bar, so please use it!`,
nickname: 'woorim960',
date: '2022-08-26',
description: `Progress bar customization is also possible when creating a scroll.`,
nickname: 'seohyunsim',
date: '2022-08-26',
description: `Likewise, there are three types of themes: basic, box, and vertical.`,
nickname: 'jisu3817',
date: '2022-08-26',
description: 'Refer to dev-portfolio for instructions on building a personal server.',
nickname: 'soonki-98',
date: '2022-08-26',
description: `A personal server can be built through environmental variables, and visitors can write their text and nicknames.`,
nickname: 'woorim960',
date: '2022-08-26',
description: 'By looking at your portfolio, visitors can leave a guest book.',
nickname: 'seohyunsim',
date: '2022-08-26',
import { ProgressBar } from 'dev-portfolio';
const App = () => {
return (
animationType="wave" // "wave" | "fill-up" | "fill-up-wave" | "none"
export default App;
props | type | description | default | note |
rateText | string | How well you handle the skill (unit: %) | '100%' | |
rateTextColor | string | rateText color style | 'black' | |
isHiddenRateText | boolean | Whether show rate in progressbar | true | |
backgroundColor | string | ProgressBar's background color style | whitesmoke | |
colorFrom | string | Start color of blinking animation of progressbar | 'white' | |
colorTo | string | End color of blinking animation of progressbar | 'red' | |
width | string | Progressbar css width | '100%' | |
height | string | Progressbar css width | '40px' | |
animationType | animationType | Progressbar animation | 'wave' | |
isBlinking | boolean | Progressbar blinking state | false |
More about ProgressBar's props
type amimationType = "wave" | "fill-up" | "fill-up-wave" | "none"
- [seohyunsim](
Guidelines to input icons
Enter the name of the icon you searched on the following site.
(example: 'simple-icons:devdotto')
More about used props
- id example
const id = "['ID_NAME', 'ICON_NAME']"
- iconName example
const iconName = 'ICON_NAME',
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