1.0.2 • Published 7 years ago

devtools-timeline-model-browser v1.0.2

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7 years ago


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Browser-friendly library for parsing DevTools Timeline traces into structured profiling data models. Heavily inspired by devtools-timeline-model. Should work in any modern browser.


$ git clone https://github.com/addyosmani/devtools-timeline-model-browser
$ cd devtools-timeline-model-browser
$ npm install
# or $ yarn if you have yarn installed

To build the source run webpack or npm run build.


dist contains a globals-friendly timeline-model-browser.js build that can be dropped into any page. e.g:

<script src='dist/timeline-model-browser.js'></script>

From there, you'll have access to a new global, TimelineModelBrowser that can be passed the contents of any valid trace file.

const traceFileContents = '...'; // Let's pretend you've fetched a trace file
const model = new TimelineModelBrowser(traceFileContents);

You'll now have access to the same helpers available in the devtools-timeline-model package:

// tracing model
// timeline model, all events
// interaction model, incl scroll, click, animations
// frame model, incl frame durations
// filmstrip model, incl screenshots

// topdown tree
// bottom up tree
// bottom up tree, grouped by URL
model.bottomUpGroupBy('URL') // accepts: None Category Subdomain Domain URL EventName


A demo that uses the dist build is available in the demo directory. Fire up a local server in the repo root, then navigate to /demo/ to try it out. Instructions are included in the index.


Is this useful?

The Chrome DevTools Timeline allows you to save traces by right-clicking on the Timeline waterfall. The trace format of these files can be dense, but contains detailed information useful for anyone building web performance tooling. The goal of this module is to bring the benefits of the devtools-timeline-model package to the browser so folks can easily build tools that consume and reuse this data outside of writing a DevTools extension or using Node.

This package?

devtools-timeline-model is an excellent package if you're trying to build tools targeting a Node environment that want to parse DevTools traces into an easy to reason about model. A few assumptions are built into that package, including use of Node built-ins, such as fs, resolve and so on.

I found that shimming these with browserify-fs and the brfs transforms were not sufficient to create a browser-friendly version of that package, so this is a complimentary repo that lets you easily reuse that work in the browser.


Apache © Addy Osmani