0.4.5 • Published 4 years ago

dexit-pokedex v0.4.5

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Last release
4 years ago

Getting Started

This is a repurposed project off of the original dexit-pokedex project. We have made some modefications to fit the needs of our WebRPG https://dexitrpg.net


Install the package:

$ npm install dexit-pokedex --save

Then you can use the library:

dexit = require('dexit-pokedex');

const eevee = dexit.findPokemon('Eevee')
// returns data/pokemon/eevee.json
console.log(eevee.names.en); // Eeevee

const charmander = dexit.findPokemon(4)
// returns data/pokemon/charmander.json
console.log(charmander.names.en); // Charmander

const tackle = dexit.findMove('Tackle')
// returns data/move/tackle.json
console.log(m.names.en); // Tackle

const potion = dexit.findItem('Potion')
// returns data/item/potion.json
console.log(m.names.en); // Potion

const contrary = dexit.findAbility('Contrary')
// returns data/ability/contrary.json
console.log(a.names.en); // Contrary

const fairy = dexit.findType('Fairy')
// returns data/type/fairy.json
console.log(fairy.names.en); // Fairy

const water1 = dexit.findEggGroup('Water 1')
// returns data/egg_group/water_1.json
console.log(water1.names.en); // Water 1

const genVI = dexit.findGeneration('Generation VI')
// returns data/generation/6.json
console.log(genVI.names.en); // Generation VI

const bold = dexit.findNature('Bold')
// returns data/nature/bold.json
console.log(bold.names.en); // Bold

const allPokemon = dexit.allPokemon()
console.log(allPokemon.length); // 809

const allItems = dexit.allItems()
console.log(allItems.length); // 69, WIP

const darkPokemon = dexit.allPokemon({ type: 'Dark' })
console.log(darkPokemon.length); // 46

const humanLike = dexit.allPokemon({ egg_group: 'Human-Like' })
console.log(humanLike.length); // 52

const alola = dexit.allPokemon({ dex: 'alola' })
console.log(alola.length); // 302

const moves = dexit.allMoves({ type: 'Ground' })
console.log(moves.length); // 26

Add custom Pokemon / Fakemon

You can add your own Pokémon and it will be checked if it is valid. You can and should add them as a batch as evolutions need to present at the same time.

Fakemon need to have a national_id that is greater than 10000.

Checkout the fakemon examples.

fakemonStage1 = fs.readFileSync('./fixtures/my_fakemon1.json', 'utf8')
fakemonStage2 = fs.readFileSync('./fixtures/my_fakemon2.json', 'utf8')

dexit.importPokemon([fakemonStage1, fakemonStage2])

dexit.findPokemon('My Fakemon')


If you want to know what the structure of the given data is, checkout the following documentations:


If you want also to include sprites in your pokedex, check out dexit-pokedex-sprites.


I would be happy if you want to add your contribution to the project. In order to contribute, you just have to fork this repository.

Please respect the Code of Conduct.


MIT License. See the included MIT-LICENSE file.


Logo Icon by Roundicons Freebies.

Original Project (oakdex-pokedex) by jalyna.

Original Code Of Conduct by jalyna.


4 years ago