0.0.1 • Published 1 year ago

dexter-deploy v0.0.1

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1 year ago


This CLI is useful for deploying Dexter smart-contracts and interacting with them



This subcommand can be used to to store code on chain using 2 workflows: 1. Direct (recommended now): Directly stores code to chain with relevant configuration as mentioned in the arguments. 2. Via proposals (older): Creates proposals for storing code with the relevant configuration as mentioned in arguments. The workflow is: 1. Store code using proposals using dexter-deploy code-store create-proposals subcommand 2. Vote on code store proposals (using command) or externally. Command is: dexter-deploy code-store vote-on-proposals 3. Once proposals are passed, store code-ids in the deployment state output file using dexter-deploy code-store find-code-ids subcommand.


This subcommand is meant for all vault related operations. Currently the operations are:

  1. Instantiate: This can be done in 2 ways. Via proposals or directly. Currently we are recommend direct instantiation but requirement can differ based on permissioned setting. The worflows are:

    1. Direct: Instantiate using dexter-deploy vault instantiate subcommand.
    2. Via proposals: Follow following steps:
      1. Create instantiation proposal using: dexter-deploy vault create-instantiation-proposal
      2. Vote on proposal using dexter-deploy vault vote-on-instantiation-proposal in controlled environmments else get voting done externally.
      3. Find and store address in deployment state using dexter-deploy vault find-address
  2. Create Pool: This subcommand creates a pool with specified configuration. Use it like dexter-deploy vault create-pool

  3. Join Pool: This can be used to add liquidity to a pool. Command: dexter-deploy vault join-pool


This subcommand is used to update instantiation config of address to allow them to be instantiated by Vault. This is particularly meant for Pool and LP Token contract.

2 subcommands are:

  1. create-instantiation-config-proposal: Create a proposal to update the instantiation config of a set of contracts.

  2. vote-on-instantiation-config-proposal: Votes on proposal by the specified addresses in the configuration. Meant for localnet and devnet only.


Allows instantiation of keeper contract by direct method.

Subcommands: dexter-deploy keeper instantiate


Allows instantiation of multi-staking contract by direct method.

Subcommands: dexter-deploy multi-staking instantiate

TODO: Add examples of all above sucommands