5.2.1 • Published 5 years ago

dfp-web-advertising v5.2.1

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Last release
5 years ago

DFP implementation guide

Installing our script

Install the script by adding the web-advertising script to your package.json file.


"dependencies": {
  "dfp-web-advertising": "^5.0.0"

Or by using

npm install --save dfp-web-advertising

We use the principle of Semantic versioning - 3 MAJOR. 2 MINOR. 0 PATCH. As long as the major number doesn’t raise, it is not "breaking". As most of you know, we are a big supporter of the evergreen principle and we also expect every MINOR & PATCH update to happen automatically.

The build folder contains following files:

dfp.jsMain script
dfp.min.js↳ minified
dfp-helpers.jsUtility script
dfp-helpers.min.js↳ minified
dfp-krux.jsKrux add-on
dfp-krux.min.js↳ minified

Our script can be loaded synchronously as well as asynchronously. For best practices, we'll be using async examples in this guide. To use this script synchronously, you may ignore any reference towards dfp.cmd().

Let's start by adding the following script in your <head>

    var dfp = dfp || {};
    dfp.cmd = dfp.cmd || [];

<script src="https://www.googletagservices.com/tag/js/gpt.js" async="true"></script>
<script src="../dist/dfp.js" async="true"></script>


Add your setup after and initialize the script

var opts = {
    'tag': {
        networkId: 1111,
        adUnit: 'example/example.site-%screenSize%/default'
    'services': {
        'async': true,
        'singleRequest': true,
        'collapseEmpty': true,
        'disableInitialLoad': false,
        'ppid': '12hjDojdj2JHK32228FHKJBskMOI2ndnjndn',
        'requestNonPersonalizedAds': 1
    'breakpoints': [...],
    'callbacks': {...}
targeting = {...},
slots = [...];

dfp.cmd.push(function() {
    dfp.init(opts, targeting, slots);


tag.networkId required:

1111: Your Googletag networkId

tag.adUnit required:

adunit-name/adunit-name.site-%screenSize%/category This pattern is an example of how we organize our adUnits. Make sure that %screenSize% is included in the adUnit.

Example: example/example.site-%screenSize%/default

async optional:

Default: true

true: Enables async rendering mode to enable non-blocking fetching and rendering of ads.

singleRequest optional:

Default: true

true: Enables single request mode for fetching multiple ads at the same time.

collapseEmpty optional:

Default: true

true: Enables collapsing of slot divs so that they don't take up any space on the page when there is no ad content to display.

disableInitialLoad optional:

Default: false

false: Enables requests for ads on page load

true: Disables requests for ads on page load, which enables lazy loading.

Be advised that you won't be able to use 'Master & companion' with disableInitialLoad in combination with single request

requestNonPersonalizedAds optional:

Default: 1

1: Disables personalized ads.

ppid optional:

Default: false

The Publisher provided identifier (PPID) allows publishers to send DoubleClick for Publishers an identifier for use in frequency capping, audience segmentation and targeting, sequential ad rotation and other audience-based ad delivery controls across devices.

breakpoints required:

Array of breakpoints, whenever a resize event is fired a recalculation is triggered to hide slots on predesignated breakpoints.


'breakpoints': [{
    'begin': 0,
    'end': 767,
    'name': 'small'
}, {
    'begin': 768,
    'end': 983,
    'name': 'medium'
}, {
    'begin': 984,
    'end': Infinity,
    'name': 'large'

Callbacks optional:

You can use existing callbacks which are triggered at certain key points during the script execution.

renderEnded: This event is fired when the creative code is injected into a slot. This event will occur before the creative's resources are fetched, so the creative may not be visible yet.

resize: Fired on resize event

orientation: Triggered on orientation change


Be advised: functions like addClass, removeClass as you see in the example come from our dfp-helpers.js file.

'callbacks': {
    'renderEnded': function(domId, isEmpty, size) {
        addClass(document.getElementById(domId), isEmpty ? 'js-is-empty' : 'js-is-not-empty');
    'resize': function(initialBreakpoint) {
        var html = document.head.parentNode,
            cls = 'js-ads-breakpoint-hide-resize';

        if (initialBreakpoint) {
            removeClass(html, cls);
        } else {
            addClass(html, cls);

You can also create custom events which can easily be called from within any creative. These custom events should be called through postMessage on the top window and be composed as follow:

   'type': 'dfpCallback',
   'action': 'callbackFunctionName',
   'options': {
       // Anything
}), '*');

type: The type should always be set to 'dfpCallback' so we can distinguish it from other messages.

action: Should have the same name as the callback function

options: This is the object passed to the function

Important: the message is a JSON string, not an object.


Sets custom targeting parameters for a given key that apply to all pubads service ad slots.


targeting = {
    'wtype': 'TROPICAL_STORM', /* Comes from backend */
    'wcur': 2, /* Comes from backend */
    'wmin': 2, /* Comes from backend */
    'wmax': 2, /* Comes from backend */
    'wrain': 2, /* Comes from backend */
    'wwind': 7, /* Comes from backend */


Each slot contains the following properties:

domId: html elements ID or data-id attribute

sizes: Available slots sizes width, height for each breakpoint

targeting: local slot targeting key/values


slots = [
        'domId': 'leader',
        'sizes': {
            'large': [[970, 250]],
            'medium': [[970, 250]],
            'small': [[970, 250]]
        'targeting': {
            'pos': 'leader'

    }, {
        'domId': 'sky',
        'sizes': {
            'large': [[300, 600]],
            'medium': [[300, 600]],
            'small': [[300, 600]]
        'targeting': {
            'pos': 'sky'
    }, {
        'domId': 'imu',
        'sizes': {
            'large': [[300, 250], [320, 100]],
            'medium': [[320, 250],
            'small': []
        'targeting': {
            'pos': 'imu'

Load a slot

Call dfp.loadSlot() within the dfp.cmd.push() function and pass along the required parameters

If there is only one slot for the same AD-type, pass the DOM id as first parameter

<div id="leader" class="dfp">
           dfp.cmd.push(function() {
               dfp.loadSlot('leader', {
                   'breakpoints': {
                       'large': true,
                       'medium': false,
                       'small': false

If there are multiple slots with the same ADslot-id, pass the DOM element as first parameter and add data-id attribute containing the id used in the init configuration (ex: if slots should be displayed on different places for different sizes)

<div class="dfp fjs-leaderboard-1" data-id="leader"></div>
   dfp.cmd.push(function() {
       var elm = document.querySelector('.fjs-leaderboard-1');
       window.dfp.loadSlot(elm, {
           'breakpoints': {
               'large': true,
               'medium': false,
               'small': false

<div class="dfp fjs-leaderboard-2" data-id="leader"></div>
   dfp.cmd.push(function() {
       var elm = document.querySelector('.fjs-leaderboard-2');
       window.dfp.loadSlot(elm, {
           'breakpoints': {
               'large': false,
               'medium': false,
               'small': true

To make use of the lazyload-feature make sure you include the dfp-helpers.js file and put your loadSlot within the lazyload function. The callback will be executed after attaining the set threshold (in pixel) below the viewport. The threshold is configurable by changing the window.lazyloadthreshold value.

    var elemImu1 = document.getElementById('imu');

    window.lazyload(elemImu1, function() {
        dfp.cmd.push(function() {
            dfp.loadSlot('imu', {
                'breakpoints': {
                    'large': true,
                    'medium': true,
                    'small': true

##DMP's In case you need to retrieve dmp (Krux or CXense) values from the localstorage, use the following public functions:

targeting = {
    'kuid': dfp.dmp.krux.getUserId('kxmedialaan_kuid'),
	'segs': dfp.dmp.krux.getSegments('kxmedialaan_segs'),
	'cxense': dfp.dmp.cxense.getSegments('CxSegments')

5 years ago


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