1.0.5 • Published 2 years ago

dfs-cli v1.0.5

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2 years ago


DFS CLI allows you to setup fungilble SPL tokens and call Rally token programs from the command line.


npm i -g dfs-cli


yarn global add dfs-cli


The --keypair option on all commands points to a solana keypair file stored in your file system. You can create a keypair with the solana-cli or import an existing keypair.

create token

dfs-cli create token

This command can be used on any of the solana networks (mainnet-beta, devnet, testnet). This will create a token and decorate the token mint with metadata per the metaplex metadata standard. The token can be set up with an initial supply which is minted to the associated token account for the keypair creating the token.

TODO: allow user to specify destination address of initial supply

Usage: dfs-cli create-token [options]

  -e, --env <string>     Solana cluster env name (default:
  -k, --keypair <path>   Solana wallet location (default:
                         "--keypair not provided")
  -n, --name <string>    token name
  -s, --symbol <string>  token symbol
  -d, --dec <number>     token decimals (default: "9")
  --supply <number>      initial supply (integer value)
  -h, --help             display help for command

add metadata to existing spl token

This command can be used on any of the solana networks (mainnet-beta, devnet, testnet). This command will add a metadata decorator to the specified token mint per the metaplex metadata standard.

npx ts-node src/token-cli add-metadata

Usage: token-cli add-metadata [options] <mint>

  mint                   token mint

  -e, --env <string>     Solana cluster env name (default: "devnet")
  -k, --keypair <path>   Solana wallet location (default: "--keypair not provided")
  -n, --name <string>    token name
  -s, --symbol <string>  token symbol
  -h, --help             display help for command

get token info

This command can be used on any of the solana networks (mainnet-beta, devnet, testnet). This command returns information about the token account (supply, authority, decimals) and the tokens metadata. Use this to verify the token metadata after adding metadata above.

dfs-cli get-token-info

Usage: dfs-cli get-token-info [options] <mint>

  mint                  token mint

  -e, --env <string>    Solana cluster env name (default: "devnet")
  -k, --keypair <path>  Solana wallet location (default: "--keypair not provided")
  -h, --help            display help for command

Get Canonical $RLY Token Balance

This command will only work on mainnet-beta as it queries the token mint for canonical $RLY on mainnet-beta. This command looks for the canonical rally associated token account for the specified keypair and returns the balance.

TODO: allow user to specify address to lookup, rather than just the associated token account

dfs-cli get-balance-canonical

Usage: dfs-cli get-balance-canonical [options]

  -k, --keypair <path>  Solana wallet location (default: "--keypair not provided")
  -h, --help            display help for command

Get wormhole $RLY Token Balance

This command will only work on mainnet-beta as it queries the token mint for wormhole $RLY (v2) on mainnet-beta. This command looks for the canonical rally associated token account for the specified keypair and returns the balance.

TODO: allow user to specify address to lookup, rather than just the associated token account

dfs-cli get-balance-wormhole

Usage: dfs-cli get-balance-wormhole [options]

  -k, --keypair <path>  Solana wallet location (default: "--keypair not provided")
  -h, --help            display help for command

Swap wormhole $RLY for canonical $RLY

This command will only work on mainnet-beta as it swaps between the wormhole and canonical rally token mints on mainnet beta. This allows you to specify an amount to swap and optionally can specify a canonical token account and a wormhole token account, if the token accounts are not specified the associated token accounts with the specified keypairs will be used.

dfs-cli swap-wormhole-canonical

Usage: dfs-cli swap-wormhole-canonical [options]

  -a, --amount <number>                   amount
  -w, --wormhole_token_account <string>   destination account (if not included uses associated token acct)
  -c, --canonical_token_account <string>  destination account (if not included uses associated token acct)
  -k, --keypair <path>                    Solana wallet location (default: "--keypair not provided")
  -h, --help                              display help for command

Swap canonical $RLY for wormhole $RLY

This command will only work on mainnet-beta as it swaps between the wormhole and canonical rally token mints on mainnet beta. This allows you to specify an amount to swap and optionally can specify a canonical token account and a wormhole token account, if the token accounts are not specified the associated token accounts with the specified keypairs will be used.

dfs-cli swap-canonical-wormhole

Usage: dfs-cli swap-canonical-wormhole [options]

  -a, --amount <string>                   amount
  -w, --wormhole_token_account <string>   destination account (if not included uses associated token acct)
  -c, --canonical_token_account <string>  destination account (if not included uses associated token acct)
  -k, --keypair <path>                    Solana wallet location (default: "--keypair not provided")
  -h, --help                              display help for command

Initilialize token bonding curve

dfs-cli init-tbc

Coming Soon!