0.0.2 • Published 1 year ago

dgraph-init v0.0.2

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1 year ago


CLI tool for setting up dev instance of dgraph database


To create a db project using dgraph-init, run any of the following command and answer the command prompt questions:

$ npx dgraph-init


you can find your defualt AuthToken inside the .env fie named DEV_DGRAPH_GRAPHQL_KEY


  • GraphQl - localhost:8080/graphql
  • lambda - localhost:8686/graphql-worker
  • admin - localhost:8080/admin
  • ratelUi -localhost:8000


  • Make sure you have docker and docker-compose installed.

You can use npm db to manage your docker containers related to your database.

db is just a sorthand for docker-compose -f ./devCluster.yml --env-file .env so you can use it as docker-compose.

  • db up spins up containers alpha,zero,lambda,ratel as described in devCluster.yml

  • db stop stops all the container

  • db down deletes all container

  • db down -v deletes all container along with all volumes

  1. Paste your schema inside schema/schema.gql.

  2. Run db-updateSchema to add mew schema to db ` .

  • NOTE: If you run db-updateSchema without adding your schema it will use defualt schema ,you can change it by repeating the steps mentioned before.
  1. You can write your lambda code in typescript inside of lambda/lambdas.ts

  2. Compile your into javascript by runningdb-lambdaBuild

  3. when you restart your server using db down and then db up your new lambda will used

  1. Write admin query or mutation inside of admin/oprations dirictiory, in a .gql or .graphql file, Make sure you have named the query in the file like this.
mutation updateGQLSchema($sch: String!) {
  updateGQLSchema(input: { set: { schema: $sch } }) {
    gqlSchema {
  1. Make sure that your admin endpoint is live

  2. Run gen-gql to genrate a typesafe sdk that contains all your queries and mutaions inside admin/oprations dirictiory

  3. you can import the sdk from admin/scripts/generatedTyps.ts

  4. import graphqlDgraphAdminRequestClient which is a graphql-request Clint for admin endpoint, AuthToken is already attached to header when using graphqlDgraphAdminRequestClient

You can use the sdk like this :

import { graphqlDgraphAdminRequestClient } from '../GQLDgraphAdminClient';
import { getSdk } from '`admin/scripts/generatedTyps';

const script =async () => {
 const schema:string=`
 type User {
   id: ID
   name: String
   email: String @search(by: [hash])
   emailVerified: DateTime
   image: String
 try {
   const res = await getSdk(graphqlDgraphAdminRequestClient).updateGQLSchema({ sch: schema });
 } catch (error) {



Feel free to contribute to the dgraph-init by creating a PR


Dgraph-init is licensed under the MIT License.