0.9.2 • Published 5 years ago

di-tooling v0.9.2

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Last release
5 years ago



This package provides yarn helper methods for all applications as well as core to allow for more robust and complex behaviour.


  • Run yarn add -SE @di/tooling to add the package to your app.
  • Run yarn global add yarn-deduplicate, this is needed for the autofix command.
  • You also need to add the tools script to your package.json:
	"scripts": {
		"tools": "node ./node_modules/@di/tooling"
  • You can remove the following scripts from your package.json: link:all, unlink:all and upgradeDi
  • These are replaced with the linkAll, unlinkAll and upgradePackages command fromm tooling.


To run simply do yarn tools and you will be prompted with the commands available to your app. You can also run a command directly with yarn tools {cmdName}


  • analyzeDependencies analyzes the dependencies of your application
  • findDuplicates detects dependencies which have multiple versions installed
  • checkVersions reports the currently installed versions of @di packages
  • autofix this will try to fix issues with your yarn.lock file, if problems persist contact the core team


If you would like to use the svg graph option of analyzeDependencies you need to install graphviz => http://www.graphviz.org/download/

On Windows you also need to adapt the PATH variable. If you installed graphviz at its default location append the following path to your PATH variable:

# Adapt the path to match your installed version and location
C:\Program Files (x86)\Graphviz2.38\bin


  • findDuplicates can also be run with a param, i.e. yarn tools findDuplicates packageName this will only report duplicates that contain packageName.
  • Running yarn tools findDuplicates all will result in a complete report, this will result in a very long list.

App specific

  • linkStatus shows you which packages are currently linked and installed from npm.org
  • linkAll links all packages
  • unlinkAll unlinks all packages
  • upgradePackages upgrades all @di packages to the latest version

Important linkAll and unlinkAll require that you have run registerAll in core beforehand

Core specific

  • registerAll registers all packages so they can be linked in your applications
  • unregisterAll unregisters all packages (they can no longer be linked in your applications)