1.0.1 • Published 5 years ago

diacritics-lv v1.0.1

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5 years ago

Utility functions to handle Latvian letters with accents

This library will help you to:

  • create diacritics-insensitive regular expressions with createDiacriticsInsensitiveRegExp
  • remove accents from Latvian texts with unaccent

Possible use cases

Running diacritics-insensitive database queries

Goal: Finding accented text by unaccented user input, e.g. Raiņa bulvāris database entry by Raina bulvaris user input


SQLite supports neither diacritics-insensitive, neither regular expression search by default.

Solution: Use unaccent utility function to create a separate column to store normalized (unaccented) text value and use it to perform queries.


Disclaimer: MongoDB comes with a text index, that allows running diacritics-insensitive $text queries. Unfortunately you can't combine text index with 2dsphere. In order to make diacritics-insensitive search still possible, the regular expression should be used.

MongoDB supports querying by a regular expression, like:

Address.find({ street: /Raina bulvaris/ })

In order enable diacritics-insensitive search and to make Raiņa bulvāris found, the diacritics-insensitive regular expression should be created using createDiacriticsInsensitiveRegExp:

Address.find({ street: createDiacriticsInsensitiveRegExp('Raina bulvaris') })

This will result in the following regular expression being queried:

Address.find({ street: /(?:R)(?:a|[Āā])(?:i|[īĪ])(?:n|[Ņņ])(?:a|[Āā])(?: )(?:b)(?:u|[Ūū])(?:l|[Ļļ])(?:v)(?:a|[Āā])(?:r)(?:i|[īĪ])(?:s|[Šš])/ })