1.0.0 • Published 7 years ago
dialign-wrapper v1.0.0
A simple node module that wraps the functionalities of Dialign multiple sequence alignment program
Visit following site to learn more about it. https://bibiserv.cebitec.uni-bielefeld.de/dialign/
You can install dialign-wrapper by running,
npm install dialign-wrapper
You can download Dialign executable by running,
node util/downloader.js
It will download the Dialign binary executable to util/bin folder
Align an unaligned sequence file and get output in FASTA format or ClustalW
.alignSeqFile = function (inputFile, outFormat, callback)
callback passed (err, data)const dialign = require('dialign-wrapper'); var inputFile = 'samples/example.fasta'; var outFormat = 'fasta'; dialign.alignSeqFile(inputFile, outFormat, function(err,data){ if(err){ console.log(err); }else{ console.log(data); } });
Align an unaligned input string (in FASTA format) and get output in FASTA format or ClustalW format
.alignSeqString (input, outFormat, callback)
callback passed (err, data)const dialign = require('dialign-wrapper'); var outFormat = 'fasta'; var input = '>test1\n' + 'ACDEFGHIKLMNPQRSTVWY\n' + '>test2\n' + 'XXXXACDEFGHIMNXXXPQR\n' + '>test3\n' + 'ACDEFGHILMNXXXXXPQRS\n' + '>test4\n' + 'XXXACDEFGHIKLMNPQRST'; dialign.alignSeqString(input,outFormat,function(err,data){ if(err){ console.log(err); }else{ console.log(data); } });
The output can be either the following two formats (set 'outFormat' to one of the following)
* fasta
* clustalW
You can specify a custom execution path where the dialign binary executable is placed
const dialign = require('dialign-wrapper');
var customExecPath = 'Downloads/bin';
You can set environment varible 'DIALIGN2_DIR' pointing to the directory `dialign2_dir' in a custom location
NOTE: The pointed directory should include tp400_dna,tp400_prot, tp400_trans, BLOSUM files
const dialign = require('dialign-wrapper');
var envVariable = 'Downloads/bin/dialign_package/dialign2_dir';
7 years ago