1.0.1 • Published 5 years ago

dialogflow-nexmo v1.0.1

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Last release
5 years ago


A bridge between the Nexmo Messaging API and Google Dialogflow.

How it works

This middleware relies on both Nexmo and Dialogflow SDKs. Inbound text messages sent to provisioned Nexmo number are handled through a webhook which forwards it to Dialogflow API.

Responses from Dialogflow go through a text normalization phase to remove unsupported characters and are sent back to the origination number. Multiple response messages are throttled to minimize delivery error rate.

Getting Started



Nexmo integration requires a Nexmo account with a provisioned SMS DID/Number. You also need to configure the webhook endpoint from your Nexmo account. Please refer to the Nexmo documentation for more information.


Dialogflow integration requires a Dialogflow (and/or Google Cloud Platform) account along with a project Id (mapping to an actual Dialogflow project).


Require the dialogflowNexmo middleware. Then simply call the dialogflowNexmo.connect(message, origination, options) function, where

  • message is either a string or an array of strings containing the user input;
  • origination is the phone number used to call the service;
  • and options is an object holding all the Dialogflow and Nexmo configuration (see next section for more information on that subject).

The function returns a Promise.


This is a list of the configurations expected by the middleware. Keys with a default value are optional.

dialogflow.projectIdDialogflow Project Id-
dialogflow.languageCodeDialogflow Project Languageen-US
dialogflow.envDialogflow Project Environment. When specified, will use the Beta API-
nexmo.apiKeyNexmo API Key-
nexmo.apiSecretNexmo API Secret-
nexmo.didNexmo Number-
nexmo.throttlingNexmo message throttling in ms.500


Please consult the files in the example folder for integration examples.

Note: for the moment, we only support deploying on a Google Cloud Function in the same account as your Dialogflow account. We plan on supporting a wider range of options in the close future.


yarn install
yarn run test --silent


We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.


You can reach the dialogflow-nexmo team by email at iva-solutions-support@nuecho.com


This project is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 - see the LICENSE file for details